iv. The Wedding of Amelia Pond

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     Annie rode in the car with Rory and Brian, her brown hair newly done into a half-ponytail, curled by herself. She was wearing a golden dress, a similar colour to Rory's tie.

     Her fear was replaced by excitement as the wedding ceremony began- she was one of Amy's bridesmaids; even though she was only nine. There were only two others, and it was very small, but Rory had three groomsmen as well, balancing it out.

     This was a scene that wasn't showed during "The Big Bang", which was the episode Annie presumed was happening. 

     "You may kiss the bride," The officiant announced, (a man Annie did not recognise) and even though she felt the slightest urge to stick out her tongue and act like the child she was, Annie smiled as her two favourite companions slowly leant in...

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