xvi. Almost Annie

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Oh, thought Annie, the Flesh must have scanned me, too.

The cold realization brought a smile to her face, but it quickly vanished- as both Gangers appeared in pain.

"The cracks," cried Annie-the-Ganger, as the Doctor's was convulsing in pain, processing the information and memories from his previous regenerations, "They're closed!"

"Shh," Annie quietly approached the Flesh version, "Shh, it's alright." As her identical twin cried out in pain, grabbing her head, everyone watched them in confusion- all except the Doctor.

"Two lives," Annie-the-Ganger gasped, "Two stories." She then crumpled to the floor, "I can't get them straight!"

"I know," came Annie-the-Human's answer, "As long as you remember. I can't get them straight, either."

Meanwhile, the Doctor was having trouble with his own Ganger. He switched through various voices, struggling to compensate for eleven remembered regenerations.

"Listen," whispered Annie, "We can't tell them any spoilers. You've seen this before, in your memories. A version of this event without us. Keep them separate. Keep them apart."

Annie's Ganger looked up, her now-human-looking face understanding. She reached out a hand from her counterpart, and slowly stood, but it was difficult.

"What do I call you?" Annie laughed, un-shocked by the turn of events, causing all in the room to stare at her in confusion, "It'll get confusing if we both go by 'Annie'!"

"I've always like the name Anna," They both suddenly said, then looked at each other in amazement.

"This is remarkable," said Annie, beaming, "Anna, then. Call her Anna, and stick with Annie for me."

Rory looked at his cloned sister in a sort of shocked stupor. He was used to strange things happening when he traveled with the Doctor, but not anything quite like this.

"How- how do we tell them apart?" He asked Amy, who responded with, "Not a clue."

The Doctor had his Ganger stabilized, and both stood about an inch apart from each other.

"At least we aren't Zygons," said Anna dryly.

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