xii. River and the Switch

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"Okay, since I don't know what I'm getting into this time, for once I'm being discreet," Annie watched, wide-eyed, as the Doctor walked around the console, speaking slower than he normally did. She did her best to pay attention, but the subtle glances River occasionally threw her way were making her quite nervous.

"I'm putting the engines on silent."

The Doctor casually flipped a switch, and every occupant of the TARDIS winced. The wailing noise was short-lived, however, as River fixed his mistake smoothly.

Annie let out a breathy laugh as the man in tweed spun around, "Did you do something?" 

His question was directed at River.

"No, just... Watching," she responded, throwing another one of her looks Annie's way as the Doctor disappeared behind the large cylinder in the middle.

"What?" Annie mouthed, feeling cheeky- River was just as amused as she.

"...Putting the outer shield on invisible. Haven't done this in awhile, big drain on the power," The Doctor was talking, but it was all just words. Annie knew what he was going to say.

"You can turn her invisible?" The little girl piped up, searching for something to say. 

The Doctor spun around once more, "Ha!"

Annie covered her ears.

River threw a second switch, "...Very nearly."

They both bantered some more. Rory and Amy, who had been standing there watching, made a move to follow the Doctor out into the Oval Office (Annie didn't have to grip the handrails this time; River had done a very good job), but he stopped them once more.

"Let's take it slow."

This time, Annie agreed with him.

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