viii. The Impossible Man Meets His Impossible End

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Annie watched, tears welling up in her eyes as the Doctor approached the shore.

"Ans? What's wrong?" Rory asked her, "Who is that?"

She slowly shook her head, "It's fine. It'll be alright," she whispered, more to herself than anyone else.

The past version of River was now raising her right hand, committing an act that she would never remember.

There were three shots. Annie cried out- she couldn't help herself, and the Doctor was on the beach for only a second; before the brilliant golden glow that was his regeneration energy came.

"I'm sorry," Annie barely heard as the Astronaut shot him again, leaving the man laying on the sand. Knowing that the past River would not return, Annie followed Amy and River down to the shore, Rory close behind her.

"Please," She could only whisper as River scanned for life. Annie couldn't pay attention to what was happening next, for she already knew.

It was very different to what she had seen on a screen, to seeing the real event happening out of her own eyes.

The Doctor was dead in this reality. The timelines only split during "The Almost People", where Amy made the mistake of telling the Doctor of his own demise, thinking that he was the ganger, but they had switched without telling her.

He was properly dead, and there was nothing she could do about it- for now.

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