xiv. The Silent President

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"Who are you?"

Annie stood behind the American Security men, having been pulled behind them in the previous moment. They weren't allowed to shoot children, apparently, at least, someone who looked like a child. Either way, Annie didn't mind, because having a gun pointed at her head was not fun at all.

"Nah, boring question," said the Doctor, "Who's phoning you? That's interesting, because Canton Three is right. That was definitely a girl's voice, which means there's only one place in America she could be phoning from."


"Do not engage with the intruder, Mr. Delaware," said one of the Security men (Annie wagered a guess that his name was Carl).

The Doctor had his feet up on the desk. If Annie was watching this from the outside in, then she would have laughed.

"You heard everything I heard," The Doctor shrugged, "It's simple enough. Give me five minutes, I'll explain. On the other hand, lay a finger on me, or my friends, and you'll never, ever know..."

"How did you get it in here?" asked Canton, an expression of wonder on his face, "I mean, you didn't carry it in..."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Clever, eh?"

"Love it."

    "Do not compliment the intruder!"

    While the conversation was exciting, Annie could feel herself tuning out. She moved her eyes around the office, drinking it in (though careful not to move her head, still aware of the guns).

    Magnificent couldn't even describe it. The room was round, large, even with the TARDIS taking up most of the carpet. The desk was ornate and polished, and the phone and the technology from the sixties just proved how extraordinary traveling with the Doctor really was.

    "I'm going to need a SWAT team, ready to mobilize. Street level maps covering all of Florida, a pot of coffee, twelve Jammie Dodgers, and a fez."

    The Doctor appeared excited, and Annie was, too, now that they were done arguing if they would give him a chance or not.

    Annie could go for a Jammie Dodger right now. Canton disappointed her so- "Give him his maps."

    A few of the security men burst into a flurry of movement. They were still on guard, but the room was now covered in maps of Florida.

    "Why Florida?"

    "That's where NASA is," said the Doctor, "She mentioned a spaceman. NASA's where the spacemen live. Also, there's another lead I'm following."

    "A spaceman," Annie and Amy said together. They looked at each other; line stealing entertained her. "Like the one we saw at the lake."

    River turned her head, "Maybe. Probably."

    The Doctor ignored them, instead focusing on the maps.

    "Can't he just use Google?" Annie wondered out loud, "The TARDIS must have an Earth cellular data tower somewhere inside. How else would Amy be able-"

    River shushed her.

    "I meant-"

    "I remember."

    Annie's head snapped up at Amy's words. Of course. She had forgotten about the Silence...

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