Applejack and Big Mac are now both married with children of their own and Apple Bloom is in high school now. Applejack is also now mare of the rodeo. She's a star amongst her kin. Rarity runs a successful brand and boutiques all across Equestria and...
The next day, Rara and AJ do their first concert together. They call themselves the RaraJ's. It's a combination of their two names. They perform "Equestria the Land I Love", "I'm Just a Pony", and another new one called "My Best Pony Friend Saved Me". They do really well and get a giant applause. After the concert, the two go and record "My Best Pony Friend Saved Me" as a new single they hope will become a smashing hit. Two weeks after they release the new single, it's already hit the top of the music charts. They couldn't be happier. They go to see Hinny of the Hills and for lunch to celebrate. The two can't wait to record their next song together. That's for sure.
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