Attention Students

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"Attention students!" Said Princess Cadance, "today we will be learning about the history of the Crystal Empire. I'm actually the long lost princess of the Crystal Empire. Why do you think my cutie mark is the Crystal Heart? Anyways...Sombra killed unicorn princess Amore when he took over the Crystal Empire. But first, let's learn who princess Amore was."

Meanwhile, in Twilight's Magic of Friendship class...
"Hello students, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle," says Twilight, "today we will be talking about the cutie marks of important ponies, the sonic rainboom, what a cutie mark means, and why friendships are so important to everypony and all Equestria as well. We will also learn about the Tree of Harmomy and Elements of Harmony over the coarse of this year."

Meanwhile in Luna's history of the Tantabus and Nightmare Moon...
"Students, welcome!" Says Luna, "today we will learn about my past: the Tantabus and how I became Nightmare Moon." This class grabs all of their attention right away.

The princesses enjoy teaching everything the students need to learn. Flash Sentry leads the jousting team for the older aged colts. It's the perfect school for all the young foals. They can all agree on that.

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