Applejack and Big Mac are now both married with children of their own and Apple Bloom is in high school now. Applejack is also now mare of the rodeo. She's a star amongst her kin. Rarity runs a successful brand and boutiques all across Equestria and...
One day while Trenderhoof was visiting Canterlot, he stops by Rarity's newest boutique and proposes. She agrees. After all, this is her dream come true. Rarity and Trenderhoof are now engaged and Rarity's family couldn't be prouder of her. Sweetie Belle can't help but sing "Rarity's getting married! Rarity's getting married!" At the top of her lungs. Rarity knows she can't calm her sister down. She'll just have to put up with it after a three hour long date with Trenderhoof.
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