Applejack and Big Mac are now both married with children of their own and Apple Bloom is in high school now. Applejack is also now mare of the rodeo. She's a star amongst her kin. Rarity runs a successful brand and boutiques all across Equestria and...
"There's been report of a new Metapony," the ponies hear over the news, "her name is Hypnostar and she has the ability to warp time, use hypnosis, telekinesis, and other psychic abilities. By the way, she can also fly even though she's wingless."
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"Another Metapony?" Sighs Twilight. "But what's with that tacky outfit?" Twilight goes to check it out for herself.
"And who might you be?" Says Hypnostar when Twilight Sparkle approaches her. "Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship," responds Twilight. "Seems like there are more and more of you princesses these days," sighs Hypnostar. "There's just something wrong with there being a new Alicorn Prince though." "Stay away from my son," Twilight hollers. "What'd he ever do to you?" "His kind, an Alicorn Prince, destroyed my family and my home, now I will destroy him," responds Hypnostar. "It's the only way." Twilight runs off. She has to warn her family and above all she has to get her son to safety. That means she has to send him away which breaks her heart. She hates to do it, but she knows she has no choice for if she doesn't, Hypnostar will kill him.