The First Non Alicorn in the Hall of Alicorns

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'Dear Journal,' wrote the sisters, 'Leon Blueblood is the first non Alicorn to be buried in the Hall of Alicorns. He's made history. He is family, so this was the right place to bury him even if he isn't truly an Alicorn.'

The sisters leave his graveside with that and return the journal to its podium. The sisters are going to miss the annoying little arrogant brat only because he was family. That's the only reason they swear. Now to tell the citizens that Blueblood is dead. This is the part Celestia especially is dreading since as the older she has to deliver the news.

"Ponies of Equestria," exclaimed Celestia, "I stand before you to inform you that Leon Blueblood is dead. He lost his life in a joust. You may mourn him or you may not depending on whether you hated or loved him. He was family and he will be missed even if it is only a little bit." With that, she leaves the stand and goes back inside the castle followed by Luna. They both have to deal with the loss more than the rest because he was their family not their citizens' family after all.

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