Scootaloo goes to DEC: Disabled Equine Camp

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Summer soon arrives in Ponyville, and with that, Scootaloo is off to DEC, the Apples are off to visit AJ and Hay Bail, Twilight and her family are off to visit her brother and Cadance, Pinkie and Cheese have opened a new water park called Pinkie's Sunshine and Smiles Water Emporium, Rarity is off to see her sister's first Manehattan debut, Fluttershy and Derpy are working on caring for two baby fillies, and Rainbow  Dash is taking her three foals to see the Wonderbolt Derby. It's a busy summer for every pony it seems.

At DEC, Scoots finds some new friends to hang out with. One is the son of Snowdrop, he's a blind colt named Iceflake. Another is named Marionette, a young filly with paralyzed hind legs in a wheelchair. The third is named Rombo, he is dumb. He can't talk. He uses sign language to communicate. Scoots is glad to find some new friends. They'll keep her company while she's away from Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They'll have fun together. It's a perfect first day at DEC for all the disabled fillies and colts in Ponyville.

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