Applejack and Big Mac are now both married with children of their own and Apple Bloom is in high school now. Applejack is also now mare of the rodeo. She's a star amongst her kin. Rarity runs a successful brand and boutiques all across Equestria and...
The same day Cadance and Flower Heart found out they were officially sisters without a question, Stardust had the biggest Cuteseñera ever so far in the history of all Cuteseñeras. Stardust is so proud of herself. She's also handed the running of the Royal CMC to one of her closest friends who doesn't yet have her cutie mark either. Her friend is extremely grateful for this and can't thank Stardust enough. As for Stardust, she's partying away with the rest of her friends. She truly couldn't be happier. After all, she's basically grown now, she has her cutie mark now after all.
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