Applejack and Big Mac are now both married with children of their own and Apple Bloom is in high school now. Applejack is also now mare of the rodeo. She's a star amongst her kin. Rarity runs a successful brand and boutiques all across Equestria and...
A month later, Davie goes back to Griffonstone to visit for a week. Gilda and the others are glad to see him and greet him in the traditional griffon fashion. While there for the week, Davie does all sorts of fun sports and activities with the other griffon children and teens. They don't even big him about living in Ponyville. They actually see him as brave for living amongst ponies and being friends with ponies. Gilda can definitely relate to that. She's been in his claws before after all. He's just glad to be back even if it is only for a week.
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