Tricking Legend and Cadance's Mother is Found

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"How exactly did you trick the legend?" Celestia asked Twilight.
"I tricked the magic," Twilight replied, "sometimes magic doesn't know when other magic is present." Celestia and Luna then look down and see their family dead on the ground. "Mom, Harmonia," cries Luna. She runs to her big sister for comfort. Celestia knew her sister was always a momma's girl and how hard this realization must be for her.

At the Crystal Empire, Cadance has called a family meeting. "Shining," says Cadance, "I've found my mom. She's in a coma but she's alive. I'm going to meet her, see her. She's in the secret wing of the Canterlot hospital. I'll be back in a week. I'm already packed." She hugs and kisses them goodbye. She's catching the next train out to Canterlot. Shining Armor is just glad to see his wife so excited. Flurry Heart is glad to see her mom so excited. She runs to her mom and hugs her goodbye. She's a mommy's girl.

Cadance's train soon arrives and she's off to Canterlot. She finally arrives in Cadance around noon. She then flies off to the castle to drop her bags with Celestia and Luna so she can hurry up and get to the hospital.

At the hospital, the doctor takes Cadance back to the secret wing to meet her mother. "Mom," gasped Cadance as she walked into the room and to her mom's bedside, "you're alive." Soon Cadance is surprised when her mom actually talks some while in her coma. "Cady, Cady, is that you?" Said her mother to her while in her coma.
"Yes," replied Cadance, "it's me momma," in tears now, "I missed you. I thought you were dead."
"My little princess, you're beautiful," mumbles her mom in her coma.
"Yes, I am your little princess," Cadance replied, "I'm also the long lost princess of the Crystal Empire. I'm a mom. My daughter doesn't know you. That's what breaks my crystal heart. I want her to know her grandma. I really and truly do. I wish you could meet her, see her in person," cries Cadance.
"I'll meet her someday," replies Cadance's mom, "someday." Cadance prays her mom is right. Maybe someday, she'll get to see her granddaughter in person, but today is not that day. Meanwhile, Cadance is grateful that she got to meet her mom at long last.

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