Chapter One

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All righty, here's chapter one !! Hopefully this story doesn't fail.... :') This is a very, very, very short chapter and I apologize for it


John Laurens was beginning to get annoyed at his roommate. Not only did he barely know him, but he also seemed to never sleep. Alexander Hamilton, his roommate, was always typing every night, which drove John insane. John found it hard to sleep normally, and the tapping of keys didn't make it any easier.

On the third day, John finally got the guts to ask Alexander what was wrong. Climbing out of his bed, he walked up to Alexander's desk and tapped him on the shoulder.

Alexander flinched and spun around, and John his first good look at him. Alexander had long brown, wavy hair that was currently tied up in a ponytail and dark eyes. Some of his hair had fallen loose and was currently hanging in front of his eyes. John noticed the sleepless dark circles around Alexander's eyes and cleared his throat.

"Er, sorry about that. I'm just, I mean, you should probably get some sleep. You've been up for too long, and it isn't— healthy to be up for so long." John said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Oh, was I disturbing you? I'm terribly sorry, I'll go to bed right now." Alexander said, standing up and revealing how short he was. The top of Alexander's head came up to John's shoulder, and John resisted the urge to laugh.

Alexander rubbed his eyes and slowly walked over to his side of the room. John watched as Alexander collapsed face-first into his bed. After being contented that Alexander was asleep, John scanned Alexander's side of their shared dorm. Hardly anything decorated it: a small photo frame and few indistinguishable objects that were too small to see in the dim light.

Satisfied that his roommate was finally getting some sleep, John pulled the covers over his own head and promptly fell asleep.

Little did he know, Alexander waited until John's breathing evened out and crawled out from under his covers to continue writing on his computer.


The next morning, John awoke to an asleep Alexander, collapsed on the couch with a still on computer glowing softly in his lap. John barely knew Alexander, but he immediately felt pitiful for the young man (John knew the couch was very uncomfortable from prior experiences). After saving and closing the computer, John dragged the heavy blanket from Alexander's bed onto its owner's sleeping figure.

Glancing at the clock, John noticed it was 6:30, so he left to the mess hall, leaving Alexander to sleep. 

"Hey, Laurens! Someone is up early, non?" Lafayette calls from the opposite end of the almost empty dining hall. "Herc is still sleeping in our dorm. Speaking of dorms, how's the anti-social roomie?" 

John grabbed a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon and walked to Lafayette, his French friend. "Ah, well, Hamilton is a bit of a work-a-holic, but you could say that he's an okay roommate."

"Is he cute?"

Taken off-guard by the question, Laurens sputtered in his glass of water. "W-what? Um, I d-don't know. Hey, why are you even asking me?" 

Lafayette just shrugged with a hearty chuckle. "You're blushing."

John rubbed his cheeks, obviously embarrassed. "Nah."

"Hey, hey, hey! If it isn't my favorite group of idiots!" A deep voice bellowed from the entrance, and both John and Lafayette winced. 

"Herc, mind keeping your voice down?" John called back, waving a piece of toast at his friend. 

Hercules winked at them, adjusted his beanie with one hand, and balanced a piled-on plate of breakfast foods with his other hand.

Lafayette smirked, and gestured toward John, "You know, our friend here has found himself a cute roomma-"

"Shut up!" John yelled, covering Lafayette's mouth and visibly blushing. "He's just a roommate, alright?"

"Whatever you say, mon ami." Lafayette muttered, his words muffled by John's hand. 

"What's his name, man?" Hercules asked, glancing between John and Lafayette. 

"Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton."


Well, I tried writing. I know this is short (only like 700 words), but I'm pretty busy. Always, enjoy the Hamilton reference I snuck in there! Until next time, Katherine. xxx

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