Chapter Ten

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So, just as a note! Yay~ Harry Potter World is open in California and my parents got me a season ticket (or whatever it is called)! Yay!! Sorry for the distraction, back to the story!


John was slowly losing his patience with Alexander. After the notebook incident, Alexander had completely cut himself off from John. The most they had said that week was an exchange over whether Alexander wanted to have dinner with the Revolutionaries (Alexander shot down the idea immediately.)


"What." Alexander didn't even bother looking up as he still typed on his computer.

"When's the last time you ate?"

Alexander opened his mouth, looking like he was going answer, but then paused. His eyebrows scrunched together as he ransacked his brain for an appropriate answer to give to John.

"S-sometime this week?" Alexander asked, more like a question.

"You're comin' with me, buddy." John said, grabbing Alexander's hand and dragging him towards the Cafeteria.

Alexander stumbled after John, tripping almost every other step. Once, Alexander fell and John caught him by his arm. In the moment that he had Alexander in his arms, he realized how light Alexander was— almost dangerously light.

They finally reached the hall at around 9, when most of the students had left already for weekend activities.

"Sit." John said, shoving Alexander toward their normal table, which was empty as of the moment.

"Eat." John instructed as he held out a plate piled high with food.

Alexander looked at John as if to say 'There are better things I could be doing now.' just before he dug into the meal like a hungry wolf.

Calling Alexander hungry was a very mild understatement, as John soon realized two plates later.


As the days slowly creeped by, Alexander kept his head in the books and typed page after page after page.

"Take a brea—"

"No. I have to beat him. I have to get my plan set up. Every word has to be perfect. My essay has to blow him away."

Through the week, John had learned that from small tidbits that Alexander and Thomas were assigned a debate to decide who would be the president of the club. Alexander was 110% dedicated to getting to be president, and John was sure that Alexander wouldn't rest until he was above Jefferson.

In essence, Alexander was majorly stressing.

"Alexander Hamilton. Stop." John said, walking behind Alexander and lifting the computer from the desk.

Alexander turned to John, and John couldn't tell if Alexander was angry or relieved—Alexander was hard to read sometimes.

Their eyes met for a split second and Alexander's head hit the desk shortly after.

"I-I'm just so tired..." Alexander murmured, trying to find a comfortable place to rest his head on the rough table.

John sighed, saved the Word document, and lifted Alexander into his arms. Alexander curled into John's chest until John set him down on Alexander's bed. John tucked Alexander in with his own blanket (all of Alexander's blankets were worn down).

With his roommate sleeping, John decided to work on his continuously-growing pile of homework.

Before he even knew it, his typing on a document slowly turned into Googling random things online.

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