Chapter Fourteen

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Sorry, the POV switches a lot during this chapter, and I apologize in advance + omg I am so sorry Alex and John. I'm so sorry my precious babies. :')


Alexander was almost like a ghost. At every possible turn, John would try to talk to the boy, but Alexander was never there.

The only class they had together was English, which started at 7:00. Promptly at 6:59, Alexander would enter and sit in the seat farthest from John. Throughout the lecture, Alexander would avoid eye contact with John. 

Right after the teacher dismissed them, signaling the end of the lecture, Alexander would disappear just a quickly as he came in the classroom. 

John, for the second time that week, didn't know what to do with Alexander.


"I guess we were never friends anyways." 

Those words followed Alexander where ever he went. Just looking at the ridiculous little stuffed turtles that sat on the living room table made tears spring into Alexander's eyes. 

Why had he even brought up the journal? Why had he purposely made John hate him? Alexander knew that only himself was to blame. 

Ever since their fight, Alexander had holed himself in his room, refusing to answer texts or calls from his friends, and only leaving the room for classes.

"I don't deserve people like that. I'll only end up hurting them." Alexander muttered to himself, continuing to write essay after essay on his small computer. 

Inside, Alexander was aching to apologize to John, to beg for forgiveness, but Alexander's pride stood firmly in the way. Not like John would even forgive him anyways. John probably read the journal and was disgusted with Alexander.

How could he have been so stupid?


Lafayette stood in front of John, arms crossed tightly.

"John, you need to do something about this. Alexander hasn't talked to anyone for days, and you look like you just died and came back." 

John sighed, running his hand through his uncombed hair. Lafayette was probably (and usually) right. 

"You're right." John admitted, lifting his bag onto his shoulder and turning toward the door of Lafayette's dorm.

"Non, you are not going out like that. You look awful. Shower. You can use my shampoo; it makes my hair doux et soyeux— er, how do you say that in English? ah!—soft and silky."

John rolled his eyes but walked toward the shower. Lafayette was right, again.


A soft knock sounded at Alexander's door, but the typing boy paid no attention to it. The person knocked again, this time louder. 

Alexander sighed and trudged slowly to the door. Unlocking the bolt, Alexander swung it open, expecting Aaron Burr, the floor's RA, to be complaining about the noise or something of that sort.

But when Alexander saw John's half smile on the other side of the door, his first reaction was to slam the door in John's face.

"What the heck, man!"

Alexander pressed his back against the door, trying to force the tears away. John couldn't see him like this. 

"John is probably only here to tell me he won't be my roommate anyways. Who would want someone as weird as me for a roommate? It's probably because I annoyed him so much." Thoughts whirled through Alexander's mind as he composed himself and swung the door open again.

"S-sorry." Alexander cursed his nervous stutter. "Um, hi."


John stared at Alexander for a moment. 

Before he could stop himself, John stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his roommate's frail body. John could feel Alexander lean into the hug, which only encouraged John to put his head on Alexander's head. 

Slowly running his hands through Alexander's hair, John muttered, "I'm so so sorry, Alex. I didn't mean anything I said. I-I'm so stupid to think that you are anything but perfect. I can understand if you don't want to be friends or anything, but I missed you so much."

John heard a sniffle from inside his arms, and John released one of his hands on Alexander's back to wipe away the tears that fell from Alexander's eyes. 

"I missed you so much." Alexander said, wrapping his arms tighter around John's waist and nuzzling his cheek into John's sweatshirt. 

There was a comfortable silence, both boys enveloped in each other's embrace. 

Alexander inhaled a deep breath and rubbed his eyes.

 "You smell like Lafayette's expensive French shampoo." 

John just laughed. 


"You know, I think you should win the award for best multi-tasker." John joked, watching as Alexander danced in his chair to a song on the radio and attempted to type on his computer at the same time.

Alexander stuck his tongue out at John and continued to do his little wiggle dance with his fingers still on the keys.

John resisted the urge to snicker, so instead took out his phone and filmed Alexander preforming his goofy moves.

"John. Stop filming me~" Alexander dragged out his e, shooting John his best puppy-eyed expression.

Now, John was absolutely glad he filmed that; Alexander's wounded puppy look only came once in a while, and when it was there, whatever Alexander was pleading for he got. 

"How could I say no to that face. You're so cute, Alex." John laughed, ruffling Alexander's hair as he walked out of the room. "I've gotta' head to Calc so see you soon."

Alexander waved and stuffed a handful of walnuts into his mouth. 

"See yuh." Alexander called, his words slightly muffled by the food.

John laughed at his dorky roommate and slipped out of the room. 

While he was walking toward the building, a girl came sprinting to him, her chest heaving with labored breaths.

"J-john! You have to," Eliza, as he recognized her, took a deep breath here and continued, "help me! Jefferson and his crew are declaring a pranking war on my sisters and we can't win without help, so..."

Slowly, a grin crept across his face as he whipped out his phone and typed out a short message.


group chat: the revolutionaries !!

The-Place-To-Be: who is up for pranking tjeffs and his stupid little democratic-republican squad

Baguette-ohononon-effiel-tower *french flag*: is there even a downside to this offer


Ham-sandwich <3: Can't say no to that, John. :)


And we conclude chapter 14! 

This is PSA: Those are John's contact names. You now know. Also, we should all observe how precious Alexander is when he puts proper punctuation/capitalization in his texts. What a cutie :D 

Ah, so my school is taking CST's (California State Testing) and I'm currently dying. Anyways, it'll be over in like two weeks to wish me luck! Also, if you're taking it, GOOD LUCK TO YOU! Thanks for 2k+ reads, and keep commenting and voting! Katherine xxxx 

PS: You should listen to the Glee version of "Lean on Me" because it's like awesome and yeah :)

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