Chapter Seventeen

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Friendly reminder: Just so you know, laugh-a-yeet is Lafayette. If you didn't get that, well now you know. :) Get it. Like Laf (laugh) a yette (yeet??) Sorry for my weird interruption, continue reading :)


The first thing John noticed was Alexander's sleepless eyes. 

"Hey." Alexander practically mumbled, not taking his fingers off of the keys of his computer.

"Hey, Alex. When have you eaten last?" 

"Sometime before the Sunday." 

"Alex. Today is Friday."


"Can you please stop writing for just a moment? Please, there's something I've got to tell you."

"Mhm, maybe you should tell Hercules! He sounds interested."

John sighed, he knew Alexander wasn't really listening to him. Slamming the lid shut, John lifted the computer away from Alexander's fingers. 

"John! The debate is in like 3 days! I have to win otherwise Washington will not approve of my actions.  I might even lose my scholarship!" Alexander shouted, causing people to glance over at them.

John, awkwardly waving away the people who gave him confused looks, held the computer on the opposite side of his body from Alexander.

"Just chill for a sec, Mr. Work-a-holic."

"How can I chill when Jefferson is preparing a speech that will try to crush me? I have to be better. Let me work!"

Alexander leaned against John's body, his small arms reaching out for his computer. 

"Give it to me! Give it to m—" Alexander's voice trailed off, his eyes shutting and his face relaxing. 

In a few moments, John heard soft breathing from Alexander as Alexander slumped against John's frame.

To: laugh-a-yeet: dude you won't guess what just happened

From: laugh-a-yeet: what did u ask mon petite lion out

To: laugh-a-yeet: nah but he's finally sleeping!!!!!!!! for once!!!!! omg!!!!!

From: laugh-a-yeet: photo or it didn't happen

Holding his phone out to take a selfie with a sleeping Alexander drooling slightly on his shirt should have been awkward, but John didn't even feel the slightest feeling of awkwardness.

To: laugh-a-yeet: [attached: Photo_156.png]

From: laugh-a-yeet: wow u should probably get him to ur dorm or something bc he will no chill sleep standing up

John put his phone away and tucked it into his back pocket. Sighing, he lifted Alexander into his arms after putting his roommate's computer into his backpack. 

John couldn't bear to wake up Alexander, so he watched as the day slipped by.

T-minus 3 days until the debate.


"You know what, I think I could go for a big stack of pancakes right now."

John blinked in surprise, this was the first time that Alexander had voluntarily voiced his thoughts about food.

"You what?"

"You heard me, let's go." Alexander said, dragging John along with him. 

John could tell that Alexander was only doing this to make John happier, but John couldn't help but smile. At least Alexander was getting some sort of well-needed nourishment into his body. 

"You know that Jefferson is planning something really bad for you at the debate?" John decided to get this conversation over with. 

"Mhh?" Alexander said, his mouth full of pancakes.

"Yeah, well I was wondering if you could, er—"

Alexander gulped down his mouthful of food and stared John in the eye. "John, you know how much this means to me. Just because Jefferson threatens me doesn't mean I'll just back out. I can take whatever that loser throws at me."

John sighed, "Just promise to take it easy out there. Please don't get into a fight or anything. Sorry, but I just don't want you to get hurt. You mean too much to me—"

"Okay, mom." Alexander laughed, patting John on the shoulder good-naturedly. "I promise to not beat Jefferson up after I whip his sorry butt in debate."

John felt a smile grow on his face. 


It was painstaking, every minute John stood out in the spring winds, waiting outside of the debate hall for the doors to open and the victor to be crowned. Beside him, Alexander was anxiously pacing, glancing at John for reassurance. 

"Well well well. Hamilton. Laurens." John turned to see Jefferson walking toward John. "Hamilton, I think I might have something that you would want to know about..."

Alexander shot around, staring at Jefferson with a confused look on his face. "What?"

"Oh, I don't know, the complete translated diary of one Alexander Hamilton?" 

Alexander's jaw dropped open, then he turned to John. 

"Did you give him my notebook?" Alexander had a look of betrayal in his eyes, and John hated to see it there.

John shook his head helplessly, when he had first gotten Alexander's notebook, John had not been able to read half of it, for most of the writing was done in French or a mixture of English and French.

"Now, if you want to get this out of my hands, all you have to do is walk into that room and say 'Mr. Washington, sir. I would like to drop out of the candidacy.' Simple."

Alexander stood still for a second, but then his eyes hardened and he clenched his jaw. "No."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said 'no,' are you deaf?" Alexander snarled, almost feral-like. "You're just afraid that I'm going to win."

"I-I'm not afraid that you, a simple immigrant from out-of-nowhere, will take my spot. I'm just making sure that Washington has no trouble deciding the proper candidate here."

At that moment, someone called, "Here comes the General!" as Washington pushed open the doors.

"Jefferson, Hamilton. Meet me inside."

The two shot glances at each other before following Washington inside the hall."

John glanced at the large clock in the middle of the campus. The minute hand slowly ticked on as John heard voice float from the other side of the wooden door.

Then Alexander came out, his face pink but plastered with a cheesy grin.

"We won!"

Then Jefferson emerged, dragging James along by the collar. "I'll give you 5 days to withdraw from the your leadership. Otherwise, the journal goes viral. Don't push your luck."

Alexander turned to John, still smiling. "You know, I think this calls for another mission. What do you say, partner?"

John smiled back, "Do you even have to ask?"


Hey hey hey! Look who finally updated!!! Anyways, I kind of have a plot(?) for the rest of the book so hang in there with me! I might want to write a sequel because I owe you guys a good book and this has been trash so far. What do you say?

Thanks for reading/voting/commenting!!! Katherine xxx

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