Chapter Eleven

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So this chapter picks up sometime during the previous chapter (following Alexander's part of the day). Enjoy the Lafayette French-ness!


Alexander sighed loudly as he marched across the campus towards the library. Of course, the weather was lovely, the students were all playing outside, but no one even gave him a second glance. Not like he was expecting much for his birthday, anyways.

"Well, Alexander, how does it feel to finally be one year older?" Alexander muttered to himself, hugging his books closer to his chest.

A light tap on his snapped him out of his mind, and Alexander spun around.

"Hey, Laf."

"Bonjour, Alexander! I have some homework I should be doing and I was wondering if you could help me, mon petite lion."

Alexander put on a smile and nodded. This wasn't how he planned spending his birthday, but who was he to complain, he was originally going to hole himself in the library alone.

Trailing behind his French friend, Alexander watched as Lafayette whipped out his phone and typed something like "all according to plan!!!"


"Je ne comprends pas cet essai anglais stupide." Lafayette complained, "I don't get these stupid English essays! What does Professor Adams have against us students?"

After spending an hour with Lafayette, Alexander found himself laughing and genuinely enjoying himself. Perhaps this won't be an awful birthday after all.

"Keep it down over there!" A voice hissed, and Alexander and Lafayette shared goofy smiles.

"Sorry! ce n'est pas moi, mademoiselle! It is not me, madam! Tell that to Alexander, s'il vous plaît." Lafayette called, and Alexander gave him a fake pout.

"You know, you are actually quite charming, Alexander. You should try smiling more." Lafayette said with a ridiculous smile, meeting Alexander's eyes and causing Alexander to chuckle.

Almost immediately after Lafayette uttered those words, Alexander broke into a loud burst laughter, claiming that Burr used to always say stuff about smiling more.

The librarian got so fed up with them that she kicked them out.


Around 6 o'clock, a soft "ping" came from Lafayette's pocket, and Lafayette quickly took out his phone. Alexander watched silently as Lafayette scanned the message that he received.

"Well, Alexander. It appears that you are needed back at the—what is that word for dortoir?"


"Ah, oui! That is it!" Lafayette snapped his fingers together victoriously.

Alexander smiled, thanked Lafayette for the most amazing study session he had ever been to, and started on his way to the dorm room.

Once Alexander was far away enough, Lafayette whipped out his phone and typed out a message to "alex's surprise party!!"

Baguette-man: he's on his way!!

John: we're all set up anyways so yay!!!!!!!!



When Alexander opened the door to his dorm room, the lights were off. Flicking the on-switch, Alexander nearly fainted when people jumped out from behind his couch, bed, and table.

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