Chapter Fifteen

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"Okay, here's the game plan."

John, Alexander, Hercules, Lafayette, and the Schuyler sisters were gathered around the usual booth, with Alexander sitting at the head of the table. Over the day, Alexander and John had brainstormed ideas about good pranks.

"So, I consulted Professor Washington on this—"

"You told Washington?" Hercules exclaimed in horror, his mouth falling open limply.

Alexander waved his inquiry away as if it was meaningless and continued with his sentence.

"I consulted Professor Washington and he told me some really dirty ideas from when he served in his dorm floor's pranking group."

Alexander waited for the group's reaction and started again, "This will only work if we all follow exactly what I planned, so listen up."

Without knowing it, everyone leaned forward slightly, hooked on Alexander's every word. Noticing the sudden and direct attention on him, Alexander blushed and averted his gaze slightly. 

"Okay, so."


"Are you sure this is going to work? It doesn't l—" John hissed at Alexander, who immediately shushed John.

"—Of course it's going to work! Pranking is practically my middle name. How do you think I survived in foster care?"

There was an awkward pause, as Alexander just revealed another puzzle piece of his life that John was ready to slot into picture. 

John sighed and rubbed the nape of his neck. "I wouldn't be so sure."

The first phase of the plan was directed toward Jefferson and Madison.  While Angelica and Eliza would meet with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, John and Alexander would sneak into Jefferson/Madison's dorm room and rig it with pranks.

"Okay, Angie just texted me that Jefferson is busy. Let's get to work."

First, the pair slipped into the bathroom, where John poured a dye into the shampoo that would make hair bright pink (intended to destroy Jefferson's perfectly fluffy afro) and Alexander installed a small mechanic into the sink so that when someone turned it on, a squirt of water would hit them in the face.

Next, Alexander poured itchy powder into Jefferson's many pairs of boots. John lost his control over his laughter at this point and giggled freely.

"Jefferson's going to hate us so much."

"Does it look like I really care?" Alexander shot back, raising his eyebrow at John's smiling face.

John smiled wider and started for Madison's ice cream stocks. Together, John and Alexander raided the freezer and replaced the chocolate-chip ice-cream with pistachio ice-cream.

From an anonymous source, Alexander had learned that both James Madison and Thomas Jefferson craved ice-cream and would always have a stock of it on hand. Also, they found out that Thomas hated the smell of pistachios. 

All was going to plan.


"Ping!" A soft text tone came from John's phone, and the two quickly read the message. 

from: angel-icaa: guys!! jef just called us up to something and hes gonna go check the dorm u better get out of there asap


from: angel-icaa: jk, james tripped and now jef is carrying him u guys have like 4 minutes

to: angel-icaa: okay, we'll get out of here

John and Alexander shared a glance, and Alexander checked his watch. 

"We still have 3 minutes. Let's make the most of our prank."

John was definitely doubting Alexander's tactics. 


John checked his watch. 1 minute and 15 seconds.

"Alexander! Hurry up, please!" John called hurriedly, wishing his roommate didn't have a death wish.

"John, relax! I just need to put this note down, okay?"

"You have no common sense. Why in the world would you want to declare a full-blown war with Jefferson?" John said suspiciously, quickly scanning the note Alexander was about to place on Jefferson's desk.

"Love you too." Alexander shot back with a wink, snatching the note from John's hands and setting it down on desk.

Alexander turned to face John, and both released a breath they didn't know they were holding in. 

The world slowly blurred, each focusing on only the other. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was his imagination, but did Alexander just stand on his tip toes and start leaning towards him and—

Then they heard the noise from outside.

"Tommy, do you remember leaving the door open? D—" A coughing fit followed that, and then the speaker continued, "—do you think our lock is broken or something?"

John and Alexander shared and glance, their eyes widening. 



Random fact of the day: it is historically accurate that both Thomas and James loved ice-cream. Also, it is proven that James would squeal whenever they had creampuffs at dinner. Weird, right?

This is a pretty short chapter, but I hope you guys enjoy it? Anyways, I'm like super stressed because of all the state testing etc, so I'll try to update (I have another chapter ready). Also! Thanks for (almost) 3K Reads!!!

PS: Hamilton got 16 nominations for Tony Awards! YAY!

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