Chapter Eighteen

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Say Yaaay for a Lafayette/JeffMads(ish)-centric chapter!! Also, this marks my return from the dead. School has sorta calmed down (it's ending in 3 weeks) so I probably will be more active with my updates! Without further adieu, chapter 18. PS: I think I might be ending this soon to write a sequel, idk. Leave your comments on what you think I should do.


Lafayette blinked at Alexander and John twice, not sure of what they were trying to say. 

"You want me to dress up as Thomas Jefferson and sneak into his meeting of cronies, convince them that I'm Jefferson and then smuggle all the evidence out?"

"Pretty much. Did Laf miss anything, John?"

John just shook his head with a goofy grin on his face. "Don't sweat it, you and Jefferson look so much a like, I bet you were twins."

A that, Lafayette gagged, "Twins with that gross loser? Not likely."

Alexander just burst into a fit of giggles, causing John to join in. 

Then Alexander's face grew serious, "Laf, if you don't want to do this, I get it. I'm expecting that you would want to risk life and limb to save my scrappy reputation. Honestly, if you don't want to do it, tell me, I can live with my journal out there." Alexander waved his hand.

"Non, Je ne voudrais pas qu'il en soit autrement! I wouldn't have it any other way." Lafayette said assuredly, holding Alexander's shoulder. "Vous êtes l'un de mes meilleurs amis. You are one of my best friends!"


"You have got to be kidding me."

Lafayette was staring at the article of clothing in Alexander's hands, eyes switching from John to Alexander's face for a sign of jokes.

"There is no way I am wearing that. Jefferson has like zero sense of style. What even is that? Euh , non, ce n'est pas vrai style français! Um, no, that is not real French style!"

"Just put it on, baguette."

Lafayette stuck a tongue out a Alexander and took the clothes from his hands. 

When Lafayette emerged from the bathroom, Alexander smirked. "Laf! You need to act like a completely self-obsessed fool for them to believe you're Jefferson."

Lafayette cocked his head up and plastered an annoyed look on his face. "How's this?"

"Like I said, you and Jefferson must be twins." Alexander said, sharing a smile with John. 

"We are not related!!" Lafayette screamed as he hurled a pillow at Alexander's laughing face. "John, tell your copain that Jefferson is not related to me! Please, John!"

"One, he's not my copain. He's not my anything. Second, yes, I agree—" John said, and Lafayette breathed a sigh of relief. 

"—I agree that Jefferson's your twin!" John finished, laughing and ducking behind Alexander to avoid the onslaught of pillows thrown at them.

Once Lafayette was satisfied that John and Alexander were buried in pillows, Alexander poked his head out.

"So, the plan. I'm guessing that your twi—I mean, Jefferson, made multiple backups of my journal. He probably gave it to Aaron and Madison. Just figure out how to get them, but if you can't get them, figure out where they are and tell us so we can get them. John and I are pretty good a smuggling stuff out of Jefferson's room. And you don't have any time to lose! Go, go, go!" Alexander said, scanning the wall clock and noticing that the Democratic-Republican meeting was in 10 minutes.

Lafayette scurried out, but was stopped by Alexander's voice floating down the hallway.

"Don't forget the dramatic entrance, Jefferson always does those!"

Lafayette sighed, running a hand through his now-loose hair. Lafayette had to admit, John and Alexander had a point; Lafayette did look a lot like Jefferson. Not like he would ever admit that to his friends, of course.


Lafayette glanced at his phone. Perfect, 5 minutes late. Lafayette had decided to turn up "fashionably late" or whatever google translate had butchered from la mode fin.

Lafayette kicked open the door and swaggered in, just as he had watched Jefferson do long ago. "What did I miss?"

Madison ran up to Lafayette and wrapped his arms around Lafayette's body. "Oh, Tommy, everyone was being so mean to me! I mean, when you weren't here. Oh, are you using a new body soap? It smells nice."

Lafayette blushed and untangled himself from James. "Hey, James, let's get this meeting done, first. Then we can get your situation settled." Lafayette winked at James for good measure, which caused James to blush and glance at his feet.

"What ever you say, Tommy."

"Okay, so. As you know, I have the complete translated version of Alexander Hamilton, and I have given some of you copies, correct?"

A few people nodded.

"Well, I think I ought to know where you've been stowing them. To make sure that they are in a place that the petty immigrant will never find them." It hurt Lafayette to talk about his closest friend in this way, but he knew he had to.

Aaron stepped forward, "Sir, if I may." 

Lafayette waved his hand indifferently, as if to signal him to continue.

"I'm not quite sure where to hide mine. I don't want mine to be found, sir. Maybe I could give it to you for safe keeping?"

Lafayette shrugged, "Sure, hand it over, Burr."

Aaron handed a thumb drive to Lafayette and Lafayette pocketed it. "Anyone else wish to inform me of their situation?"

One by one, Lafayette recorded the location of each copy, which he relayed to John and Alexander over Siri. 

"I assume you will keep these safe?"

They nodded, and Lafayette forced himself to smile. "Good, now since, I've got something to discuss with Madison, I declare a 5 minute break."

James smiled and began to dust himself off and straighten his t-shirt. He then walked outside of the door, where he waited patiently for Jefferson to meet him.

5 minutes later, there was no sign of Jefferson, so the group broke up, assuming that their leader had gotten bored. 

Once Madison was about to leave, the doors swung open and a disheveled Jefferson sprinted in. "Where is everyone? It's only 3:15? The meeting starts at 3:10!"

"Tommy, it's 4:00. You were here at 3:20! What do you mean, 'Where is everyone?" You were literally here! You promised to talk to me and tell the people to stop being rude to me! You made me actually think you cared about me." James screamed, rubbing his eyes.

Jefferson opened his mouth to speak, but James continued. "Don't lie to me, Tommy. Don't pretend that you do think my 'little situation' is important to you. Fine. Just go, Jefferson. Just go."

"What is going on? I just woke up in a broom cupboard." Thomas was starting to get even more confused.

"I have no idea, hm? I'll give you an idea: leave me alone." James turned and glared at the very-much-taller boy before him.

"Don't use that tone on me." Jefferson snarled, his upper lip peeling back in anger. 

"Make me." 

The two stared at each other for a while, before a smirk crawled onto Jefferson's face. "Oh, darlin' I will make you. One way or another."

The two were missing for the rest of the day.

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