Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Alexander, can we talk to you?"

Alexander lifted his head from his writing to glance at Hercules and Lafayette. Both his friends were patting the seat next to them, inviting Alexander to sit there.

"Okay?" Alexander said, wondering what Lafayette and Hercules wanted to say.

Once Alexander sat down, Lafayette started talking. "Herc and I aren't stupid. We know something is going on between you and John. But since we're good friends, we aren't going to pry. You guys can tell us when you're ready."

Alexander sighed in relief, glad his friends weren't going to ask more. "Yeah."

"Just so you know, John, Laf, and I have been best friends since grade school. You hurt him, and I break your face." Hercules added, smashing his fist in his open palm for good measure.

Alexander chuckled awkwardly, "Hey, you know me. I don't think breaking my face will be necessary. I would never ever do anything to hurt John. Ever. Plus, I'm one of your best friends! Is the shovel talk really necessary?"

Lafayette and Hercules rose an eyebrow at Alexander's slowly-growing-red face.

There was an awkward silence, with both parties just staring at eachother. Hercules cleared his throat and glanced at Lafayette.

"Well, that wraps it up. Right, Laf?" Hercules said, patting his lap for a sound of closure.

"Oui! Take care of our Johnny!" Lafayette called as Alexander fled the room blushing as red as a tomato.


"Alexander~" John whined, glaring at the figure still hunched over their computer. "Come watch the movie with me!"

Alexander turned slightly to glance at John, but then returned to his work.

"Alexander. Why do you write like you're running out of time? That essay literally isn't due for another month." John complained, dramatically flopping back onto the pile of pillows.

"John. You know why I do it."

"Actually I don't. Do you not trust me or something? Is that it?" John snapped, angry at why Alexander had been dodging this question since the first day they spoke.

"No, John. It's not that, it's just–"

"What? Just what?" John growled, his voice dropping lower.

"You know how I'm from the Caribbean. I got to the US because my writing was good enough to raise just enough money to get on a ship that was New York bound. I was lucky enough to get a full ride scholarship at Columbia University, but it was only on the terms that I have one of the top ten grades in the school. So far, I'm number 1, but if my grades drop just a fraction, I'm out of the school." Alexander felt tears well in his eyes. 

"Are you happy now? Is my answer to your satisfaction?" Alexander said, turning to John.

John was just opening staring at Alexander, his eyes wide. "I never knew... Why didn't you tell me?"

"Probably because you wouldn't understand. You've had your life layed out for you. Your dad's got tons of money- enough to send you to college 20 times. You aren't an immigrant with no family. Plus everyone here loves you. To most people here, I'm the bastard who can't keep his mouth shut." Alexander muttered quietly, so quiet that John almost missed it.

"Don't pull that card on me. My life isn't perfect; it's far from perfect! My dad only pretends to like me for the cameras. Behind doors he–" John stopped, realizing he said too much.

"He what?"


"Tell me or I'm going to have to call him for myself."

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