Chapter Twenty-Six

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This whole chapter is just one cliche after the next. I apologize in advance about the really sappy fluff that is coming. :')


John had been leading his boyfriend down the busy New York street, avoiding Alexander's persistent questions about where they were going. 

When John finally stopped, Alexander just stared at John. "You have got to be joking."

In front of the pair stood a run-of-the-mill movie theater. Almost immediately after opening the door, the smell of popcorn enveloped Alexander's senses.

"John, you do realize we could have just stayed at home to watch a movie together?"

John laughed and rubbed Alexander's head fondly, "Yeah, but then you would never get out of the room and turn into a hermit. Oh wait, I forgot, you already are a hermit."

"Excuse me?" 

"Movie's starting. Let's go." John said, taking the tickets from his pocket and pulling Alexander toward the theater door. 

After the pair got situated in two seats, Alexander started to whine to John about not having popcorn. John, after receiving the puppy-dog eyes from Alex, decided he could make a quick run to get some.


Please silence your cellphones. The movie is about to begin. 

John and Alexander were cuddled together in the back of the movie theater with the box of popcorn resting in between them. No matter how handsome that actor on the screen was, Alexander had trouble focusing on the movie instead of his boyfriend's face. 

Alexander cupped John's jaw and tilted it towards him. "I love you so much."

"I know."

The two were leaning closer, until a jump-scare from the movie caused the audience to scream. Almost immediately, Alexander and John jumped apart– both were blushing in dark shades of red.

After a  pause, John turned to Alexander. "Can we try that again?"

"I have no objections."

Matching the pair being shown on the screen in front of them, John and Alexander pressed their lips together. 

Alexander didn't really know what the movie was about, but he didn't really care.


The two stumbled out of the movie theater with disheveled hair and flushed faces. Alexander was blinking rapidly so that his eyes would adjust from the dark of the movie theater to the light of the  sun. 

"How did you like that?" John asked, entwining his fingers with the smaller man's.

"Which part? The kissing or the movie?" Alexander said with a grin, playfully bumping his shoulder into John's.

"You are an unbelievable little–"

"I'm not sure I want to hear the rest of that, John." Alexander said, pressing his lips to John's to cut his sentence off. 


"–and that's how John and I were half-an-hour late to the Hamilsquad meeting!"

"For the last time, we are not calling ourselves the 'Hamilsquad!'" The Schuyler sisters yelled in unison, making Alexander laugh again.

"Alexander. Quit pissing off people more than you already have." John chuckled, meeting Alexander's gaze and telling him to shut up. 

Alexander sighed and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms and glaring at John.

There was a pause, and then Lafayette spoke.

"As you all know, there is only 4 more weeks of school. Not only will you all be studying for your finals, but we will all be planning the graduation party for afterwards. And no, I refuse to allow this club to be named the 'Hamilsquad.' Sorry mon ami." 

There was another pause, then everyone at once spoke up for their ideas for a graduation party. In the mix of voices, Alexander caught a "beach bonfire party"and "big party at my house."


"Alexander, I need your opinion on this. How does it look?" John asked, holding up his finished mural.

Alexander glanced up and was met with the most beautiful painting he had ever seen. The number 28 was painted on the banner, with Lafayette, Hercules, the Schuyler sisters, Aaron Burr, John, and Alexander all standing/sitting around it. 

"Why did you paint us?" Alexander asked, examining the painting better. 

"Well, the assignment was to paint my favorite memory from this year, and my favorite memory was meeting you."

"You are a cheesy person, Laurens. Has anyone ever told you that?" Alexander murmured, still in awe over the amazing detail John put in his work.

They met eyes and Alexander asked what both had been fearing for a long time. "Have you thought about the future, John? What are you going to do after college?"

"Well, I'm probably going to try to get into medical school and just do painting on the side. I know that my da– I mean, Henry, would probably send a payed assassin to kill me if I got an art job, so I probably am going to do veterinary school. It's not art, but at least I won't wind up dead." John said, tucking a stray curl behind his ear. "What about you, Alex?"

Alexander stared at the wall behind John, with a look on his face that John could only read as guilt. "Are you going to stay in New York?" Alexander asked in a small voice. 

"Well, most likely not. I've applied to UC San Diego for summer intern job, and they accepted me..." 

Alexander felt his heart sink. When John gave him a confused look, Alexander plastered on a fake smile and pretended everything was okay. "Oh, that's... great!"

Alexander could tell that John didn't buy it, but John didn't press the issue. Alexander could feel John's unspoken plead to hear what was wrong, but Alexander refused to say the words that would only make their parting inevitable. Alexander wasn't ready to say good bye.

"Teach me how to say goodbye..." Alexander muttered under his breath at John's back, trying to memorize the way John walked. Trying to find a way to never forget how beautiful his boyfriend was. 

Once college ended, Alexander wasn't sure if he would ever see his friends ever again. So he had to make the most of the short, 4 weeks they had together. 


There's one person Alexander wasn't going to miss, Thomas Jefferson. But it's not like they would have to say goodbye. Washington had offered a summer internship to both Jefferson and Hamilton at the Washington Law Firm, so they would be seeing each other every day for the rest of the summer. 

Alexander wasn't sure what motives Washington had by hiring Thomas, but Alexander wasn't going to let it ruin his day, summer, or life. 

There was only one thought circulating through Alexander's head at the moment: he was going to crush Thomas in the firm.


Well well well! We all survived July 9th.... just kidding, I'm still emotionally wrecked. Thanks for reading/voting/commenting!! Katherine xxx

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