Chapter Two

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Hiya dudes! I'm back again, with another chapter of my story! Enjoy!


Alexander didn't know what to expect when he woke up, but he definitely didn't expect what he saw. Three boys lay on the ground in front of the couch watching-- was that The Little Mermaid?

Alexander yawned and rubbed his eyes, and the small group before him turned around. Of the three, Alexander only recognized John, his roommate.

"Um, hey?" Alexander looked at John, asking for answers as a red headed mermaid sang songs in the background. 

"Glad you're up Alexander! These are my friends! Lafa-"

"Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de Lafayette at your service." Lafayette smirked at the confused look on Alexander's face. 

"Like I was saying," John shot a look at Lafayette, "Lafayette, Alexander. Alexander, Lafayette. And that's Herc."

Alexander could feel his cheeks filling with blush as he stared at people John called "friends". 

"Hi..." He muttered and shoved his face into his pillow, blush clearly creeping up his neck. 

"Why are you acting like this, Alex? C'mon man, focus. They're just people. They aren't going to judge you too harshly." Alexander muttered to himself, willing his blush to go down. 

Alexander could hear whispering coming from the other boys, but he was too tired to care. After all it was Saturday, he could sleep for a few hours.


When Alexander awoke again, the crowd was gone. 

"Hey, sleepy-head." Alexander heard a voice call from their other room, and he craned his neck to glance at its source. 


"Well, since we're roommates, I was wondering, um. I was wondering if you wanted to get to know each other a bit better? After all, we're going to spend the rest of the year together." John rubbed the back of his neck, and Alexander noted that as one of John's nervous habits. 

"Er, sure?"

"Okay, let's start with the basics." John grinned nervously. "What's your favorite color?"

Alexander blinked a few times and answered, "Green. What's yours?"


This went on for a while, the two of them exchanging basic questions that didn't really reveal much of either of their pasts. That was something neither wanted to discuss. 


Alexander eventually returned to his computer, and John went back to his sketchbook. During the last hour, John had learned three things important things about Alexander: 1. He liked cats. 2. He was majoring in both Political Science and Creative Writing. 3.  He was single (not that John cared or anything).

Throughout the next week, John and Alexander became close friends. They had a system worked out: John would sometime braid Alexander's hair, and Alexander would help John with homework. 

A small beep came from John's phone, and he glanced at it. 

The message was from Lafayette reading, "hey, laurens, tonight is squad night and it is at your house this time mon ami."

John sighed and texted back an affirmative smiley face. 

"Hey, Alex, my friends are coming over and I was wondering if you would like to, um, join us?" John asked tentatively.

When Alexander showed his approval, John felt a grin slip across his face and he texted his friends the news.

Laurens: dude!!!!!!! alexander said he can hang with us!!!!! how awesome is that!!!

Lafayette: mon ami i knew it herc, that would be $20.

Laurens: Whaaaat

When Lafayette and Hercules walked into the dorm, John pulled them both aside. 

"What were you guys talking about?" John hissed, pulling both of his friends closer by the collar of their shirts. 

Instead of receiving an answer, Lafayette and Hercules shared a knowing glance and broke into a fit of giggles. John rolled his eyes and pushed his friends away from him. Turning around, he returned to Alexander's side on the couch. Alexander was furiously tapping on the computer with a furrowed brow. 

"Hey, my dork friends are here. Please don't get too bothered by their weirdness, okay?" John said, shoving his thumb toward Lafayette and Hercules, who were currently rolling on the floor laughing. 

"A-all right." Alexander muttered, not really listening to what John was saying. 

Shortly after, the CD was inserted into the reader, and the movie began to play. Even after the actual movie started, Alexander still continued to type on his computer. This began to irk John, for he wanted Alexander to enjoy himself. 

John lifted the computer from Alexander's grip, who's lips immediately formed into a pout. Holding the computer out of Alexander's reach, John saved Alexander's document and closed the lid. 

"Hey, dude. C'mon sit with me. It's the weekend! Just relax for a sec." John encouraged, with a pat to the floor next to himself. 

Alexander reluctantly sat next to John and turned his head toward the television in the middle of the room. With the soft noises from the television and comforting atmosphere, Alexander felt himself drift off.


"Sh, guys. You're going to wake Alex." John hissed, shooting sharp glares at his yelling friends. 

"Let's be honest, mon ami. Even if he wanted to wake up, he probably wouldn't want to get up, seeing that you're making reasons to make him comfortable." Lafayette said, nodding to John's hand which was tangled in Alexander's hair. 

"Hey! I'm just a caring roommate! If he gets sleep, so do I. The better rested he is, the more likely he is to complete his work faster, which means less Mr. Grumpy. It's a purely professional relationship." John said, still continuing to play with Alexander's hair. 

Alexander had fallen asleep halfway through the movie and had been leaning against John. Eventually, John moved Alexander's head to a more comfortable position to a pillow on his lap, where he unconsciously began to boredly twirl Alexander's hair.

"What ever you say." Hercules said with a smirk, his tone of voice implying that he did not believe John.


Oops, what a boring chapter with a lot of sleepy boys. Anyways, keep reading & voting & other stuff, I appreciate it. :') 

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