Chapter Seven

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It was snowing, and Alexander was going crazy.

From inside the cafe, John watched as Alexander skipped around outside, trying to catch snowflakes. Normally, John would have called Alexander inside (their coffee had come a few minutes ago) but the childlike wonder that was radiating off of Alexander was too much to resist watching.

Even after Alexander had seen snow before, he still was amazed by it. John knew that the beauty of the snow would eventually wear off, leaving the person just cold and annoyed.

"Alexander! Coffee's here!" He called from the cafe door, the cold air from outside hitting him like a wall.

Alexander turned and walked toward John, bundled up in layer upon layer of winter coats.

He walked toward the group table, where Lafayette and Hercules sat. The two were already drinking their drinks; Lafayette had a large cup of hot chocolate, and Hercules was chugging a strong espresso. Alexander picked up his cup carefully and tested the heat of the liquid. After he was satisfied that it was hot enough, he joined Hercules and chugged the cup.

Only then did John notice the little drawing on the cups done by the barista. On Alexander's a grumpy face was drawn, on Lafayette's cup a heart was quickly doodled, on Hercules' a pair of pants (they must have known that Hercules was a fashion major) and on his own there was a phone number and a winky face.

John threw out the cup when he was done.


It was Monday, and they were sketching still-life. A small bowl of fruits sat in the middle of the room as the teacher explained the importance of learning to sketch correctly.

John wasn't supposed to be in this class. His father was not paying for this, nor would Henry be happy to pay for John's "petty art classes"; but John went to it anyways.

Not like his father knew, though.

"—the importance of drawing with soft lines first. Laurens. Your responce." The nasally voice of the art professor drew him out of his thoughts.

John muttered some half-hearted responce, and the professor accepted it.

Back to drawing.

The room was filled with the light scratches of pencil against paper, which only reminded him of Alexander's late night writings.

This was going to be a long class.


Right after the class ended, John whipped out his phone and typed out a message to the group chat labeled "The Revolutionaries" (a name that Alexander had picked out for their squad).

Laurens: hey i think we all need a pick-me-up party tbh. my dorm place @ 6?

Lafayette: oui

Mulligan: awesome, i'll bring the drinks u bring the food

Laurens: alex?

Hamilton: I don't think I can stay for it. I have lots of homework, so I'll go to the library. I'll join you guys at 8 (hopefully).

Laurens: ... cmon it isnt a party w/o u alex

Hamilton: John. I'm sorry but I can't go. I have that essay in PolSci due next week and a scheduled debate topic (that research) with Jefferson. I'm sorry, but I need to beat that sorry excuse for a debater.


A few bowls of chips and a couple of movies later, the trio was starting to get tipsy from Hercules' beer. Around 8 o'clock, the door unlocked and Alexander crept into the room, hauling his book bag.

"Heey! Alex'nder!" John said, his words slurring. "Why don'tcha come 'n join us?"

Alexander just stared at his friends, his mouth hanging open loose. John didn't blame him. Lafayette currently was spewing French and acting out a scene from "Beauty and the Beast" with Hercules. John didn't know what exactly he was doing, but he was half draped across the couch with something crawling on him—oh right, his pet turtle.

"You're drunk."

John just broke into a wild fit of laughter while Alexander watched with a raised brow.

"You did your essay for English today, right?"

The grin melted off of John's face.

"I, er, um... Sure!"

"You need to get off of your sorry butt and start writing it. Now."

"Only if you drink somethin'. Relax with us!"

Alexander eyed the bottles warily, debating inside his head to determine if it was worth it. He needed to relax anyways, what bad could a bottle of beer do?

"Fine. You better get that essay done." Alexander said, taking a swig from the bottle.


Ah! I have finally completed the chapter! Like I said, spring break will allow me to write more :) Anyways, thank all of you guys for the support (comments, votes, and reads)! It means a LOT! Until next time, Katherine xxxx

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