Chapter Twenty-Four

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There was a huge sign in the cafeteria that constantly reminded everyone of how fast the year had gone by.

The art department had hung the sign that counted down the day's until summer holiday after it reached 100 or less. The professor assigned each of his students a number and they would have to creatively turn that number into their favorite memory from this year.

John, of course, was assigned a number; and he, being like most of the school around this time, completely procrastinated on it until two weeks before it would be hung up.


Alexander hated being short. In fact, he hated being so short that everyone, including Jefferson, had to talk down to him and he had to look up.

So that's why John found Alexander lying on the floor in the cafeteria clutching his leg and glaring at anyone in a 5 foot radius.

"Alexander! What are you doing?"

Alexander glanced up at John and pointed to his leg. "I think it's broken."

John sighed and picked Alexander up, gaining many strange looks from the people around them.

"You are telling me how you just happened to break your leg in the middle of a cafeteria after we get to the medical clinic."

Alexander just threw his head back and laughed, leaving John to raise an eyebrow at his exposed neck. "I'll just tell you now."

"You know Samuel Seabury? Okay, so he was making this really boring and receptive speech about how we immigrants don't belong here in the US, so of course I had to say something. Seabury was standing on a chair, so I had to be taller than him, so I got up on the table–the table didn't break or anything. I was just like walking toward him from on the table to try and get in his face and I walked too far and I missed the table and fell straight off of it." Alexander said without any embarrassment.

John just gaped at Alexander. "You're taking this rather calmly."

"Oh, heck no. I'm just doing my best to refrain from ripping my leg off. Ya know, it does happen to be in pain. So can you please like hurry up to the medical center?" Alexander said while wrapping his arms around John's neck to make himself more comfortable.

John rolled his eyes and quickened his pace.


"Mr. Hamilton. In order for us to complete your treatment, we will have to administer an anesthetic to your lower leg. If you decide you will follow through with the idea, will you please sign here so we have written consent of your approval." Dr. Pendleton, Alexander's doctor, held out the clipboard and pointed to the line where Alexander should sign.

"O-okay." Alexander stuttered, shakily took the pen and messily scrawled A. Hamilton.

"If you wish to leave, Mr. Laurens, you may exit now." Dr. Pendleton said, glancing at John.

Alexander met John's gaze with a pleading look. "John. If you wouldn't mind, well, I'm kind of afraid of needles and well– could you stay?"

John smiled and took Alexander's hand in his. "Okay, you big baby. Don't worry; I'm not going anywhere."

The two stared at each other for a while, until Dr. Pendleton awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Well, since we got you two situated, I will call in my assistants and we will begin."


A few hours later, Alexander was walking– no, crutching (is that a word?)– out of the hospital with an angry pout on his face.

"John, please do enlighten me why I happen to be walking out of the office with a neon purple cast? I mean– regular purple would have been fine, but neon? Seriously?"

John rolled his eyes but answered Alexander's question, "Well, you know my favorite color is purple and I couldn't resist seeing how you look in purple!"

"Yeah, but I'm stuck in this stupid purple brick for 2 months and I'm not going to be very happy about it." Alexander groaned.

There was a pause in Alexander's speech as he tried to hobble down the stairs. Unsuccessfully, Alexander almost tumbled down, if John wasn't there to catch him.

"Easy there, darling. Don't want to go back and get a wrist cast too?" 

John laughed as Alexander clutched John's shirt like a life line.

"I think it would be easier if you carried me." Alexander said, lifting his crutches into his lap.

John rolled his eyes but continued to hold the smaller boy in his arms. Not like he was complaining; Alexander weighed practically nothing due to his terrible eating schedules. Also, John wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to have Alexander in his arms.


"Jooooohn! Can I just chain-saw this cast off and itch my leg? It's so itchy, please let me~" Alexander was moaning on the couch, complaining about his situation.

"Hey, babe, you know the rules. It's just another 6 weeks!" John called from the kitchen table, busy painting his mural and his number sign, 28. He knew Alexander would calm down if he called him cute pet names, so John followed through.

"Ugh, I hate you so much."

John glance over his shoulder to see Alexander pouting at John's back.

"You know, you look cute when you pout." John tossed back, returning to his painting. 

He heard Alexander let out an indignant noise from behind him as the door to their dorm opened slowly. 

"Hey? Is this Alexander's room?" A tentative voice whispered from the now open door.

John and Alexander both turned toward the door and saw James Madison's small figure in the door. James was slightly shorter than Alexander, but his whole body was being engulfed in a huge sweatshirt. 

Alexander had his bets that the shirt belonged to Jefferson.


"Yeah, well, Jefferson is going through some weird stuff right now and he refuses to go the medical clinic. And maybe you could come and check him out? I know that you, John, are training to be a doctor and–" Madison eyed John carefully.

John chuckled and nodded, "Sure! I'll help, but I'm training to be an animal doctor. I'll do the best I can."

"Oh, so what's the problem with being an animal doctor and examining Jefferson?" Alexander asked, and John shot him a look to say shut up.


I gave John 28, because it's his birthday! He was born on October 28, 1754 (random fact here!)

Also, I've never broken a bone in my body, so I'm still confused over the whole "concept". Tell me if I got anything wrong?

Love you all so much for commenting, reading and continuing to make my day awesome! xxx Katherine :)

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