Chapter Nineteen

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I think it's pretty clear who is who in the text chat, but if you can't figure it out...

americas fav fighting french meme= Lafayette

i can go the distance= Hercules

lizzy= Eliza, kinda obvious but you never know

Also, I'm ending this at Chapter 21 (I think) and I know there will be a sequel so stay tuned! 


The next weeks blurred together and fell into a repetitive pattern: breakfast, classes, lunch, more classes; and before John knew it, the date on Alexander's tiny calendar read February 13.

The whole campus was decorated in pink streamers and hearts, couple were everywhere, and John couldn't feel less lonely. It wasn't that he didn't have anything to be doing on Valentine's Day (he would be spending it with his friends); it was that he didn't have anyone special to spend it with.

John was considering asking Martha Manning to be his date to the Valentine's Day Party, but she wasn't really his type. None of the girls at his school was even slightly attractive to him.

But then again, there was always his group of friends. An idea started to formulate in John's mind and he smiled.


"Hey Alex."

"What's up, John?"

"Well, it's about the Valentine's Day Party."

An excited look flashed on Alexander's face, and he grinned, "What about it?"

"So, since I don't have a date to the dance, I was wondering if you would accompany me? I mean, since Laf and Herc are going together, I think it would only be fitting that we did too."

"S-sure! It'll be fun." Alexander said, a smile crossing his face.

John grinned, and told Alexander that he had to go class. Alexander just shrugged and returned to his book. John, now outside the room, fist-pumped and let himself do a little happy dance.

He, John Laurens, was going to the dance with Alexander Hamilton! Alexander Hamilton!!!!

I guess John could say that he was hyped for the dance.


The first thing Alexander did when John left the room was text Eliza.

To: Lizzy

Alexander Hamilton (me!): Eliza, guess what?

Lizzy: what


Alexander, trying his best to now scream in happiness, disregarded his normal format of proper grammar when texting to show his excitement. Eliza was one of Alexander's best friends, and Alexander would trust her with his life.

Eliza responded almost immediately.


Lizzy: also congrats im super happy for you <3

In a few minutes, Alexander was hiding under his sheets in embarrassment as his phone blew up with texts from an angry Lafayette, a surprised Hercules, a smug Angelica, and a knowing Washington.

Wait, since when did Washington have his number?


It was February 14, and for the first time in his life, Alexander was stressing over what to wear. He had even called over Lafayette, but the only thing that Lafayette was doing was shooting down Alexander's fashion choices.

"Mon dieu, have you ever gone to a dance? Not even a high school dance?" Lafayette's bored voice drifted from the other room, and Alexander stiffened.

Alexander, growing up in the Caribbean, never actually attended a school dance. He would never take time away from his studies, for his mother had always wanted Alexander to go there.

"No." Alexander's voice was quiet and soft, and to Lafayette it sounded like Alexander was on the verge of tears.

"Oh, Alexandre! I did not know! I meant nothing mean, I promise!" Now Lafayette sounded like he was about to cry.

"I get it. I'm just another loser with no fashion sense because I spent my entire life working to be here while rich folks just waltz on in. If I mess up just the slightest, I get kicked out while all these people who are as dumb as bricks stay with failing grades just because their daddy's got money. I get it." Alexander let out a sigh, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be ranting like that. Sorry."

Lafayette smiled, "It is all right, mon ami. Everyone needs to let out their pent up emotions one time or another. Also, did I mention that we still need to get you into a suitable outfit? Come along, Alexandre."

It took an hour, but Lafayette finally convinced Alexander into a buttoned-down shirt and slacks.

Lafayette couldn't resist taking a photo and sending it to the group chat.


John's phone lit up with a message from Lafayette in the group message chat.

From: americas fav fighting french meme

americas fav fighting french meme: john, you aren't allowed to look at this pic ok i will kill you if you do [Attached: PHOTO_24.jpeg]

i can go the distance: oh my gosh i am crying


Now John was sorely tempted to open the photo, but facing Lafayette's wrath was not worth it. Of course, Lafayette thought it was funny to torture John.

To: americas fav fighting french meme

john laurens (me!): okay cough up what is that a photo of

americas fav fighting french meme: ull see at the dance today

americas fav fighting french meme: i'll kno if u look at the photo i will kill you

john laurens (me!): ok ok just promise me that ill see it today

americas fav fighting french meme: i promise

John couldn't wait 'til the dance.


It was hard to be late to accompany your roommate to the dance, but somehow John managed to be 5 minutes late.

"You're late." Alexander greeted him cheerfully, and John had to take a second to appreciate Lafayette's magic in finding outfits.

"You look great!"

"Not to bad yourself" Alexander laughed, a sweet laugh that made John's insides tumble.

"Shall we?" John said, offering his elbow to Alexander.

"We shall." Alexander laughed again, linking his arm through John's.

They danced non-stop for the entire night and didn't notice Aaron Burr taking a photo of the happy, dancing couple.

They didn't even see the flash when Alexander pressed a soft kiss to John's cheek.


Aaron turned from the entrance of the dance. For some reason, Jefferson had lost the copies of Alexander's diary. If Alexander wasn't going to step down because of himself, Aaron was sure that Alexander would step down if John's career was in danger.

Aaron smiled as he sent Jefferson a message: mission accomplished :)

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