Chapter Nine

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Heya! Here's the next chapter! Enjoy! As a note, how many chapters would you guys like in a book like this? I have the plot kinda "laid out" and I was wondering how I should arrange it. Thanks anyways for reading! 


For the second time this week, Alexander woke up in John's arms. And also for the second time this week, he was tempted to ditch the day's obligations and stay in John's comforting embrace.

But Alexander knew that work comes first, so he reluctantly slipped out of John's arms and climbed on the couch. After surveying the room, Alexander noticed that Lafayette and Hercules had returned to their room.

Alexander rubbed his eyes and pulled his hair into a pony-tail. Even though it was the weekend, that was no excuse to not get anything done. 


John awoke to the sharp clack of fingers on a keyboard. Cracking one eye open, he saw Alexander humming to himself as he typed away on his computer, occasionally sipping his cup of steaming coffee. Honestly, it was a peaceful moment and John didn't want to interrupt it, but John's bladder had different plans. 

He scrambled out the bed, making Alexander jump slightly at the sudden motion, and dashed into the bathroom. 

"A-are you all right?" Alexander asked when John emerged from the room. 

"Well," John rubbed the back of his neck, "you could say that!"

A small smile crept across Alexander's face.

"Good, because you have a lot of essays to write, Mr. Laurens."

John considered if First Degree Murder of his roommate was worth the reward. For the moment, he decided against it and sadly picked up his computer. 

Alexander continued humming cheerfully, knowing of John's aggravation and distress. John was ready to skin him alive.


"It's the weekend! Let me sleep! Those essay won't go anywhere!" John complained, burrowing his face into his pillow. 

He knew Alexander was standing disapprovingly above him, but John didn't move. He heard Alexander let out an exasperated sigh and return to his work. 

A knock at the door caused both John and Alexander to sit up; they weren't expecting anyone to drop by their dorm that day.

Alexander stood up cautiously and shot John a confused look. 

"Hello?" Alexander said, opening the door slowly. 

"Alexander." John couldn't quite see the person on the other side of the door, but the voice clearly drifted through the room. 

"Aaron Burr, sir!" Alexander laughed after a moment, and John heard Aaron groan. 

"Please drop that absurd habit you have. Please. It's been a year."

As Alexander's laughter continued, it became apparent that Alexander would not, in fact, stop adding "sir" to the end of Aaron Burr's greeting. 

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