Princess Lucy

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Lucy's POV

"Princess Lucy! you're late!" I sighed as I walked into the ballroom, spotting my angry teacher.

"You have some explaining to do princess! fifteen minutes late for your dancing lesson? what's your excuse?!" her high pitched voice rang through my ears and I groaned in annoyance.

"I'm sorry Ms. Jones, I just overslept.." I mumbled. She shot a angry look at me and just clicked her tongue.

"Well young lady, lets start our lesson right now. the ball is drawing near you know." She snapped her fingers and the men behind her started playing their instruments. I sighed on the inside as she walked up to me and offered her hand. I grabbed it and we started to move along with the music.

"You are really good at dancing your majesty." Ms. Jones complimented me and I just nodded in agreement.

"I have been dancing since I was a little girl." I spoke. After a half hour, the lesson was finally finished and I was free to leave. I wandered the hallways of the castle and breathed out softly.

"Being a princess is pretty annoying when it comes to royal duties.." I complained as I turned a corner and bumped into someone. I hit the ground with a thud and yelped.

"Your majesty!!! I'm sorry!" I looked up at the familiar figure and smiled.

"Gray! you're here! when did you get back?!" I squealed with excitement as I took the hand he held out to me. I hugged him tightly and he accepted it. (THIS IS NOT A GRAYLU I JUST HAD TO ADD THIS FOR THE STORYLINE.) He smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

"How are you Princess Lucy?" he asked politely. I giggled and smiled cheekily at him.

"Oh c'mon Gray! don't be formal with me, we are childhood friends. just Lucy is fine and you know that." I said. He nodded and threw his arms around his head.

"So how long have you been back from the battlefield??" I asked curiously.

"Got back last night, the land in the west is now part of Magnolia." He spoke with a victory smile.

"That's great to hear! thank you for fighting for us!" I cheered and threw my hands in the air.

"So I hear that a ball is coming up, looks like I came back just in time." He chuckled.

"So you're going then? then maybe it won't be as boring as I thought!" I squealed again.

"So do you wanna be-"

"GENERAL!!!" Gray was cut off by a soldier yelling for him. He turned towards the soldier with a questioning look.

"What is it good man?" he asked in a serious tone.

"The army is being summoned by the king to the outside gardens!" the soldier was out of breath but Gray nodded his head and walked away.

"Prin-Lucy, I won't take long so don't wander too far." He called out to me and then sprinted away. I waved until he was out of sight and then sighed.

"Just when I thought we could catch up.." I turned my head towards the row of windows and looked outside.

"Guess I'll take a walk.." I mumbled to myself. I stepped out of the castle and walked along the tree line between the castle and the forest.

"It's a beautiful day out." I took in the sun's rays and smiled.

"It is such a peaceful day nothing could go wrong."

At least, that's what I thought....


Hello! how was chapter one? yes it's short but I wanted to stop there soooo lol. Let me know what you guys think okay? thanks! (:


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