I'm Sorry

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Lucy's POV

"In love? with me?" I asked, as if hearing him wrong. He firmly nodded and stretched out his hand to reach my face. He caressed my cheek. It gave out a warm and comfortable feeling, I felt safe for some reason.

"I am Natsu Dragneel. we we're childhood friends. You helped me when I was injured and always comforted me when I was sad. We would always play games together. But one day, my father attacked the castle and then-"

"Wait a second! this is too much for me too handle. How do I know you're telling the truth? I don't even remember anything about an attack on the castle!" I swatted his hand away.

"Tell me then Luce, where is your mother right now?" he asked.

"What are you talking about? and what's with you calling me 'Luce'? I am Princess Lucy and I would prefer you called me by that."

"Okay Princess Lucy, where is your mother?" he repeated the question.

"She left the kingdom.." I said and my gaze fell to the floor.

"Wrong." he said. My eyes shot back up to his.


"She's dead. you're mom? dead. So is my father." He stated rather bluntly but I could hear his voice shake.

"You're ly-"

"Lying? no. my father is a dragon, he attacked the castle and was killed. During the attack your mother died. Where were you when this happened? you were out in the garden with me. When the attack started you panicked and ran towards the castle. Though I tried to stop you, you still ran and was crushed by debris. I thought you were dead for the longest time. You were in a coma for three years and didn't remember a thing about me."

"Stop talking please.."

"When I came back for revenge I saw you again, but you didn't know who I was. After a while you finally remembered the whole thing. Then the war happened. You lost your memory again and because of my careless and selfish mistakes, we are both imprisoned."

"Stop it!" I shouted at him. He stared at me and I felt my body trembling.

"You still-"

"Everything you say is a lie!!!" I cut him off and faced away from him.

"I-I...would never *sniff* forget *sniff* something so important. *sniff*" I wiped away the tears that were falling down my cheeks.

"Hey Luce, do you remember this?" I rubbed my eyes and looked back to him. I gasped as I saw a familiar scarf. Pain rang through my head and images flooded in yet again. This time none of them were blurry.

"The scarf you left with me. I kept it the whole time because it made me feel safe." I whispered. He smiled and nodded.

"Glad to have you back..." Natsu started to cry too, still smiling. I grabbed the cell keys that were hanging on the wall and unlocked his cell. I hugged him tightly.

"Natsu...I'm sorry I forgot again.." I felt my eyes water up again but they stopped when Natsu patted my head.

"It's okay, it was my fault for not being able to protect you.."

"That's not true! you did protect me!" I protested. He sadly smiled and pulled me into an embrace.

"I'm sorry I hurt you..." he muttered in my ear.


"I'm sorry I put you through all this. It was probably for the best that you forgot me. I'm just a...monster..." his voice was soft but sad and trembling. I hugged him tighter and nuzzled my face into his neck.

"Please don't say that ever again, you're not a monster. You're a brave wizard who has a big heart. You are very special and nothing can change that.." I whispered.

"Luce..." he lightly pushed me away and stared into my eyes. I felt my face get warmer as he inched his towards mine. Our lips touched and I felt like I was melting. The passion in the kiss was pouring into me and I smiled.

"Princess Lucy!!" our lips parted from the sudden voice. We looked at the entrance and saw Erza standing there. I stood up and got in front of Natsu.

"Hey there Erza." I said kindly.

"Princess don't tell me you got your memory back?"

"In fact, yes I did. I overheard you and Wendy talking so I decided to check what the commotion was about and then because of Natsu, my memory came back. Now I'd appreciate it if you would let us pass." I said the last part in a firm tone. Erza nodded slowly and stepped out of the way. Natsu stood up and walked along with me.

"I'm glad you're back to normal once again Lucy." I turned around and Erza was smiling with tears in her eyes. I smiled and nodded at her before walking away.


"Luce, where are we going?" Natsu asked as we walked down the empty halls.

"I'm going to confront my father. but I'm gonna need my spirits."


"Because Gray is most likely near him and Laxus could be anywhere nearby. You know neither of them like you...especially Gray..." my voice kinda trailed off towards the end and Natsu gave me a weird look.

"Is something wrong Luce?"

"Not really..." If I tell Natsu it'll only make things worse. We turned a corner and I instantly spotted a familiar figure a few feet away.

"Virgo!" I shouted. Virgo turned her head and walked my way.

"Yes Princess?" she noticed Natsu behind me and gave me a small smile.

"So you remember then Princess?" I nodded to her question.

"Yes I do but I need to ask you something, do you know where my keys are?" I asked.

"...I'm sorry Princess but Sir Laxus has them. he thought that since your memory has been erased again you don't need to use you magic abilities anymore."

"Ugh he's such an overprotective nuisance sometimes. Do you know where I can find him Virgo?"

"I just saw him and Capricorn heading towards the throne room. I'm sure you can catch up to him if you hurry." I thanked Virgo and rushed down the hallway.


Natsu and I dashed down the hallways until we spotted Laxus.

"Okay we made it to him, but what now?" Natsu whispered.

"You stay here and try not to be seen by anyone, I'll go talk to Laxus and distract him." I said. Natsu nodded and I walked towards Laxus.

"Laxus!" I hollered. He turned his head and greeted me with a small smile.

"Sis, what's up?" he asked. As I got closer to him I had to think of some kind of plan to get my keys from him. I suddenly got an idea right before reaching him.

"Laxus help me please!" I put on a weak and scared act.

"Whoa what's wrong?" he asked in a concerned tone. I got a little teary eyed and grabbed his sleeve.

"Some kind of monster is in the garden! it ruined my rose bushes and even my tulips!" I sounded desperate and I noticed it was working.

"Okay just calm down. I'll get rid of the thing." he patted me on my head.

"Laxus you're the best brother ever!" I smiled and hugged him. He thought nothing of it. He ran off after I hugged him. Natsu peeked his head around the corner and I smirked at him.

"Well?" he asked. I showed him my hand which held my keys.

"Got em'!"


Hellllllllllo you wonderful people!!!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! if you haven't already, I highly recommend listening to that song. Anyway the next chapter may or may not be the last one. We'll see.


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