The Prince Of Crocus

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Lucy's POV

I dashed into my room and into my closet. I picked out a dress and threw it on my bed. I ran to the rope and pulled it. within seconds, two maids walked in and bowed.

"Yes, your majesty?" they both said.

"I need to get ready for the ball, can you guys help me?" I asked. They nodded and started to help out.


The maids just finished up my hair and make up. They both smiled and clapped as I did a little twirl.

"Beautiful as ever your majesty!" they said.

"Thank you so much." I smiled at them and they bowed, letting themselves out. I walked over to my body mirror to get a better look. The dress I wore was a white ball gown. The back of it was tied with a pink ribbon like a corset. The front had pink bows on my chest and around my waist. the pink necklace and matching earrings I wore made the outfit better. White heels to complete the outfit. My hair was curled and my tiara was sitting atop. I didn't have too much make up on, just enough. As I was admiring how I looked, someone knocked.

"Come in." I said. The doors opened and Natsu walked in. I looked over at him and gasped.

"Wow." I mumbled. He laughed lightly.

"So we're matching." he's right, we are. he wore all white except for the pink cravat that matched his hair and my outfit.

"Virgo must've planned this." I laughed and walked over to him. I fixed his hair a little bit and smiled at him.

"Why am I going to this ball? I don't even know how to dance.." he said. I grabbed his hand and led him out of my room.

"I wanted you to come, you can't run away either." I giggled at the last part and dragged him along with me. Right before we turned a corner, I let go of his arm and walked like a proper princess. As we turned, a crowd of people were walking towards the ballroom. Some of them noticed me and waved. I did my usual princess wave and smiled at them.

"Faking a smile?" Natsu whispered. I glanced at him and sighed.

"It's tiring but I have to keep my people happy." I replied.

"She always thinks about other people before herself." a voice came from behind, causing us to turn our heads. Laxus, Wendy, Gray, and Erza all smiled at me.

"Hey, that's what a princesses duty is." I retorted at Gray's comment. They walked up to us and Natsu glared at both Gray and Laxus.

"You look amazing Lucy!!!" Wendy exclaimed.

"So do you, that dress looks cute on you!" I smiled at her.

"You might make all the men in there fall for you." Erza joked.

"I-I doubt that!" I stuttered.

"Nah, Erza is right, my little sis is a beauty, but no man is good enough for you until they get accepted by me." Laxus said in his regular deep voice. I chuckled and then turned back around. We all walked into the ballroom and all heads faced in my direction. I smiled and waved as Laxus and I headed towards my father.

"Good evening Lucy, Laxus." he spoke. I did a curtsy and looked up at him.

"It is pretty packed, isn't it?" Laxus asked with a light sigh. I nodded in agreement and looked around the ballroom. I saw Erza and Wendy already stuffing their faces with deserts, and Gray was talking with one of the guards.

"I'm gonna go." with that said, Laxus left and was instantly surrounded by girls. I looked around some more and finally spotted Natsu who was leaning against the wall. We locked eyes and I smiled at him. Suddenly, my father laid his hands on my shoulder and I glanced over at him.

"What is it father?"

"The Prince has arrived." He whispered and I quickly turned my head to the entrance. There he was, walking through the doors was a young man. My father took a few steps forward and threw his arms in the air.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to announce that the Prince of Crocus has arrived!!" the crowd cheered and the prince took a bow and flashed a smile. He walked to up to us and bowed once more in front of my father.

"Thank you for having me, your higness." the prince had a soothing voice as he spoke. He lifted his head up and we locked eyes. I smiled at him as he walked up to me.

"And I'm so honored to have finally met you, Princess." He took my hand and softly kissed it. I did a curtsy and smiled at him.

"I'm also glad to have met you, Prince." I said sweetly. My father was smiling at us and then turned back to the crowd of people.

"Well then, let the dance, begin!!!" my dad signaled the band and they started to play their instruments. The prince instantly smiled and offered his hand to me.

"May I have this dance?" I nodded and laid my hand in his. He walked me to the dance floor and we started to dance along to the music. he is a really good dancer, but that's to be expected from a prince. We gazed into each others eyes and he flashed another smile at me.

"What's your name, Princess?" I laughed softly.

"Isn't the gentleman suppose to tell his name first?" I teased. He blushed slightly.

"Oh yes, my apologies. My name is Sting." he said in a gentle tone.

"Well Prince Sting, my name is Lucy." I smiled at him and he laughed softly.

"Lucy? what a lovely name!"


we danced to three songs and then he offered to get me a drink, which I accepted. We walked off of the dance floor and I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I turned around and there Natsu was, staring at me. He didn't look very happy so I walked up to him and smiled.

"Hey Natsu."

"Hi." he replied in an annoyed tone. I frowned and put my hands on my hips.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He averted his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Nothing, everything is great. I just love this wall so much." he spoke in a sarcastic tone that made me slightly irritated.

"Natsu, are you mad at me? did I do something wrong?" I asked in a firm tone. He glanced over at me and sighed.

"Just feeling lonely, you've been dancing with that blonde guy for awhile." He answered. I smiled at him, which caused him to blush.

"Natsu, wanna dance with me?"

"I don't know how, remember?" he replied. I sighed and held out my hand to him. As he reached out to it, someone else beat him to it. It was Sting.

"Sorry I took so long Princess Lucy," he handed me a glass with wine and smiled at me.

"I hope you enjoy." he finished. I smiled at him and he grabbed my free hand.

"Princess Lucy, lets talk somewhere more private. shall we?" His voice was calm and soothing as he spoke to me. Before I could answer Natsu grabbed my hand from Sting and tugged me in his direction.

"She was about to dance with me."


Hey guys :3
Sorry if the chapter was rushed or crappy ;-;
I will try to do better so I hope you keep reading! ^-^


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