Remembering The Past

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"Hey mommy, can I go play in the garden?"

"Yes, just stay away from the rose bushes okay dear?"

"Yes mommy!" I ran out of the castle and towards the garden, smiling as I looked up at the blue sky. I saw a pretty pink butterfly and started to chase it.

"Hey! wait for me Mr. Butterfly!!" I was giggling and running around, struggling to catch up with the butterfly. I stopped chasing it after hearing some rustling in the rose bushes. I stared at the moving bushes, confused at what was causing it.

"Hey! is anyone there?" I called out to the bushes and they stopped moving. Out of no where, a figure jumped out from the bushes and landed in front of me. It was a...boy? I gasped as I saw some cuts on his arms and legs.

"You're hurt!" I shoved my hands in my dress pockets and pulled out a ton of band aids. I walked up to the boy but he took a step back from me and glared.

"It's okay! I'm not gonna hurt you." He gave me a hesitant look but then slowly nodded and sat down next to me. I put the colorful band aids all over his injuries, he would flinch every time I put pressure on them. When I was done, I glanced at his face and smiled.

"I'm Lucy, who are you?" I held out my hand to the boy and he awkwardly grabbed it, shaking it.

"Natsu..." He mumbled a name that I've never heard before. I looked at him confused and then moved closer to him.

"So Nusta!"

"It's Natsu!"


"That's not how you say it.."

"Anyway! why do you have a tail? and are those horns on your head?" I asked him curiously and pointed at his weird appearance. He crossed his legs and looked at the ground.

"You won't be scared if I tell you?" He asked in a worried tone and I shook my head rapidly. He sighed and pointed at himself.

"I'm a dragon."

"A dragon!? like in the books mommy and daddy read to me??" My eyes sparkled with curiosity and I scooted closer to him. He nodded, not looking me in the eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that Luigi.."

"My name isn't Luigi! it's Lucy!"

"Revenge is sweet." he smirked at me and I pouted. He sighed softly and patted my head.

"You look more like a princess.." he said softly.

"I am a princess." I said to him and crossed my arms. He chuckled and then stood up. He held out his hand to me and I took it.

"Well Princess, wanna play a game?" he asked. I stared at his wounds and pointed at them.

"Aren't you hurt Mr. Dragon?"

"I'll be fine Princess, let's play!" he declared and I nodded.

"What do you wanna play?" I asked.

"How about tag?" he offered.

"Okie dokie!!!" I hit him on the arm, making sure not to touch his wounds and then darted away.

"Hey I wasn't ready!" I laughed as he struggled to catch up to me.


"That was so much fun!" I squealed. The boy nodded, still trying to catch his breath.

"I didn't know you could run so fast!" he smiled at me and I smiled back. I stared at him for a while until he spoke up.

"Hey Princess, wanna be friends?" he asked sweetly. My eyes widened at his sudden question.

"You wanna be my friend?" I said confused. He nodded and put his thumb up.

"Of course! why wouldn't I?" he laughed.

"Not many people wanna be my friend, and there aren't many kids here.." I mumbled. He stood up and looked down at me.

"Then I'll be the one and only friend you'll ever need!"

After that day, Mr. Dragon would visit the garden daily and we would play together. I was so happy to have met a friend like him. We would even have tea parties too. One day, I went out to the garden and spotted him at the gazebo, our normal spot.

"Mr. Dragon! hello!" I called out to him but he said nothing, just looked up at me.

"I made us flower crowns! here's yours." I gently put the white flowers on his head and did the same with myself. He didn't even react to them. I sat next to him and frowned.

"What's wrong Mr. Dragon?" I asked. His eyes watered up and he hugged me.

"Daddy is gone!" he yelled.

"What do you mean 'gone'?"

"He just disappeared! he wasn't there when I woke up this morning! he always tells me where he's going!" he sobbed into my dress and I tried to calm him down.

"It's okay Mr. Dragon, everything will be okay. I'm sure your daddy just had to do something important before letting you know." I pet his pink hair and his sobs started to slowly fade away. He parted from me and smiled slightly.

"Wanna play a game, Princess?" he wiped his eyes and wagged his tail. I nodded and smiled.

"I'd love to play Mr. Drag-"

A sudden explosion caused me to stop speaking. I looked at the castle and saw that half of it was on fire. I could hear soldiers screaming orders and cannons being fired. My eyes widened as I saw what was attacking the castle.

"DRAGON!" I screamed and pointed. Mr. Dragon followed my finger and gasped.


"That's your daddy?! why is he attacking my home?!" I felt goosebumps form on my arms as I saw part of the castle collapse. I stood up quickly and rushed back to the castle. Mr. Dragon stopped me though. He had a tight grip on my hand. I tried getting out of it, but he was too strong.

"Let go of me! mommy and daddy are in there!!!!" I felt my eyes water up and got out of his grip. I ran to the castle and then all I could remember was Mr. Dragon screaming.



Hey guys! the next chapter will have a little bit of a flashback but it won't take the whole chapter like this one. I hope you enjoyed, let me know if you liked it okay? thanks, bye! (:


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