Thanks But I'm Not Staying

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Natsu's POV

Lucy opened the doors and dragged me in the room. I saw the small figure sitting at a desk and smiled.

"Wendy." Lucy called out to her. She turned towards us and smiled brightly.

"Miss Lucy!" she ran over to us and threw her arms around Lucy. She chuckled as Lucy accepted the hug. She let go and looked over at me.

"Is this the guy you were talking about?" she asked and Lucy nodded. I stared at her and then at Lucy.

"She's a doctor?" I asked pointing at her. Lucy nodded her head and I gave her a strange look.

"But she's a child." I said, staring back at her. Wendy put her hands on her hips and gave me an angry look.

"Listen here Mr. Dragneel, I'm more capable of healing you than any doctor that's ever existed!" she puffed out her cheek and pouted. I looked back at Lucy with an unsure expression.

"Is this a joke?" I asked.

"Nope, now sit over there so she can start." Lucy pointed at a stool and I hesitantly walked over to it and sat down. Wendy trotted over to me and fell over her own feet.

"I have a good feeling about this..." I said sarcastically. Lucy frowned at me and shook her head.

"Wendy is great at what she does." Lucy stated.

"She's pretty good at falling over nothing." I said, laughing a little at my own words.

"Stop it Natsu, she helped me a lot and she even helps out our soldiers when she can." Lucy said defensively. I sighed in defeat as Wendy walked up to me.

"Stay still." She put her hands in front of her and closed her eyes. She breathed in and her hands began to glow. I looked at her with wide eyes as I felt my body getting lighter. After a few minutes, the light in her hands faded away and she breathed out loudly. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Lucy, can you help me take off the bandages?" Wendy looked at her and she nodded. They unwrapped the bandages and I stared in shock.

"My wounds..." I stared at the spots where I once had cuts but now they were gone. I didn't even feel anymore pain. I looked at the two girls and they just smiled at me.

"How did-"

"Healing Magic." Lucy interrupted, knowing what I was going to ask.

"Like I said, she's great at what she does." Lucy said with a laugh.

"I'm the only doctor who can use Healing Magic."

"As we all know, magic isn't common, only certain people can use it. Wendy, Gray, and Erza all have magic abilities." Lucy stated and hugged Wendy.

"Gray and Erza too?" I asked, a little surprised. Lucy nodded and crossed her arms.

"Gray can use Ice Make Magic, Erza uses Requip Magic. That's why they're are our strongest soldiers." Lucy explained.

Ice Make Magic huh? that explains it..

Lucy pointed at Happy who was rubbing himself against her leg and purring.

"Little Happy here has Flight Magic." I stared at the blue cat, dumbfounded.

"Your cat? Uses magic?" I questioned. She nodded and looked down at him.

"Happy, show him!" she said with a smile. Happy meowed and suddenly wings appeared on his back. He flew up to Lucy's shoulder and then the wings disappeared. He rubbed his head against her cheek and purred loudly.

"Cool right?" Lucy asked, petting Happy's neck. I nodded, still surprised at what I just saw.


Lucy, Happy, and I were walking down the hallway heading to her room.

"I haven't seen Wendy in a while so it was nice to talk to her again." Lucy said. I wasn't really listening much because I had something else on my mind. I sighed and stopped walking. Lucy noticed and looked back at me, also stopping.

"Natsu? what's up?" She asked as I looked down at the floor.

"I'm leaving." I mumbled.


"I'm leaving." I said louder so she could hear me. Her eyes widened at my words.

"What why?" she asked.

"You said I had to stay until I was fully healed, now that Wendy healed me, I can leave." I stated bluntly. She frowned and took a few steps towards me.

"I know I said that, but you don't have to leave right now. you can stay longer." she spoked softly.

"Why would I do that? I told you from the start that I didn't want to be here." I said coldly.

"But Natsu-"

"Don't try to change my mind, I'm not staying any longer, thanks for helping me with my injuries but I'm still going. Bye Lucy." I spun around and walked away from her.

I can't stay here, even if I wanted to...

I was walking for a little bit but then someone grabbed my arm. I sighed since I already knew who it was.

"Lucy, let go." I said. She gripped on to me tighter.

"Don't go." she mumbled. I pushed her off me and stared at her.

"Why does it matter if I stay or go, I'm a stranger that you've known for two days." I raised my voice in anger. She stared at me with sad eyes.

"I don't really know...but I feel this familiar presence when I'm near you." She said as her gaze fell to the floor.

No...don't say anymore...

"Like I care." I said coldly and clicked my tongue. She looked back at me with tears in her eyes. I felt myself stiffen as tears rolled down her cheeks. I closed my eyes and turned around, starting to walk away again. I stopped in my tracks as I heard a loud thud behind me. I flipped my head and gasped.

"Lucy?!" I yelled as I ran over to her. She was passed out on the floor, she wasn't moving. Happy kept meowing at her but she didn't respond.

"Lucy! wake up! what's wrong?!"


Hellllllllo!!! ^•^
How are you guys? I'm doing fine if you wanted to know, heh. Anyway I hope the chapter wasn't so bad, thanks for reading. Until the next chapter, cya!


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