What The King Says

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Lucy's POV

"A dragon attacked us." Gray said. I stared at him in shock.

"What do you mean? a dragon!? where did it come from?!?" I shouted. He closed his eyes and crossed his arms.

"I think it followed our soldiers back home, we fought the same dragon during our battle against the west." He spoke in a monotone voice.

"So? did you defeat it?" I asked nervously. He opened his eyes and shook his head.

"We injured it and then it crashed into the forest." When he finished how sentence, I felt my heart drop.

"In.....the forest..?" I repeated. He nodded.

"We sent some heavily armed soldiers out there but they didn't find it." He continued as I started to tremble.

Could it be...

A thought popped in my head and I quickly ignored it.

There's no way that's possible.

Gray stared at me in concern, causing me to clear my thoughts.

"Is something wrong Lucy?" he asked. I shook my head and faked a smile.

"I'm just worried about the kingdom is all, we should send more soldiers to look for this creature." I offered and he smiled at me.

"Always thinking about the people first huh?" he said.

"I am the princess, it's only natural." I answered. We talked for a few minutes trying to organize a plan for hunting the dragon down.

"Okay, this should work out perfectly. we'll find the dragon in no time." Gray sounded more happy than earlier with made me smile.

"General, Princess!" a voice called out to both of us and we turned to see who it was.

"Commander Scarlet." Gray said firmly.

"Erza!" I cheered. The red head walked up to us and I instantly hugged her.

"Princess please, I'm happy to see you again but I need to tell you something." She spoke. I stopped hugging her and stared at her in confusion. She frowned and sighed.

"The kings summons all of us to the throne room." She said blandly. Gray and I nodded and we all walked to the throne room.


We stood in front of my father who sat in the King's throne. We all lightly bowed to him, not knowing what he wanted us here for.

"Glad you're all here," the King started to speak as he stood from his throne.

"I have to discuss important matters with all of you." He added.

"What is it my king?" Gray asked.

"As we all know, the ball that will form a peace treaty between Magnolia and Crocus is coming closer by the minute." He spoke deeply.

"What about it your Highness?" Erza questioned.

"The Prince of Crocus will be at the ball, and he's around Lucy's age." he stared right at me and I stiffened up.

"What are you getting at, father?" I asked.

"You and The Prince will get married shortly after the ball, uniting our two kingdoms." He finished. I gulped and nodded hesitantly. As a princess, I knew this day would come, arranged marriage.


"My king please rethink this!" Gray yelled out suddenly. We all looked at him wide eyed.

"What is it, General Fullbuster?" father questioned.

"We don't need to make peace with that kingdom through marriage!" Gray retorted.

"This isn't just for peace General, it's going to united our kingdoms as one." Father said.


"I'll marry the Prince father, for our kingdom." I cut off Gray before he made my father angry.


"It is my royal duty, General." I cut him off again and glared at him. He sighed and walked out of the throne room.

"I'm sorry for they way the General was acting your Highness." Erza bowed her head and ran out of the throne room. I was left alone with my father.

"Lucy my dear-"

"It's fine father, I knew this would happen. I'm perfectly fine with marrying the Prince if its for my kingdom." I said sternly. He smiled at me.

"I've raised a great Princess, haven't I?" he said softly. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Don't get me wrong father, I don't want to marry this strange Prince, I am just trying to keep my kingdom safe. If I had to marry a donkey for my people, I would." my father laughed at the last part.

"Anyway father, I'll be going now." I bowed my head and walked out of the throne room. On my way back to my bedroom, I ran into Gray. He looked sad and pissed off.

"Gray." I said. He looked up at me and frowned.

"Princess." he mumbled. I sighed as I got closer to him.

"It's my royal-"

"Duty, I know that! it's for the kingdom I know I know!" Gray yelled.

"Then what's the prob-"

"You should marry someone you love! not some stranger!" he interrupted me again, looking so angry.

"I might fall in love with the Prince, you never know." I stated. His face changed to a sad expression. he stared at me and grabbed my hands


"There you are Princess!" I heard the doctors voice and looked past Gray.

"What is it Doctor?" I asked. He smiled at me.

"That man is fully patched up, he should wake up any minute now!" he declared happily.

"That's great news Doctor!" I said with excitement.

"Lets go then!" I said and darted to my room, leaving Gray behind. We got to my bedroom door and slammed it open. I ran to my bed and stared at the man who was breathing at a steady rate. He was all bandaged up but still wore his torn clothing.

"How did he get this badly injured anyway Princess?" the doctor asked.

"That's what I've been trying to figure out, I don't really know what happened to him." I replied. We sat and waited for the man to wake up.


It's been an hour already and the doctor left to take care of the injured soldiers. I sat at the side of my bed and watched the pink-haired man carefully. All of a sudden, his eyes fluttered open.



Hellllllllllllo you guys! hope you liked the chapter! Lucy is being forced to marry a complete stranger, but she's perfectly fine with it? who is the Prince anyway?? keep reading to find out! :D


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