The Peaceful Garden

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Lucy's POV

I ran back to where I left Natsu and saw him looking out of the giant glass window. He glanced over at me and smiled.

"Brings back memories, huh?" I asked him. He nodded. I grabbed his hand and he looked at me in surprise.

"Luce?" he called out. I dragged him along with me until we got outside.

"I wanted to bring you here again.." I said softly as I guided him to our familiar spot.

"The gazebo is still here?" he asked.

"Yeah, the garden was barley touched when that incident happened. though the rose bushes are gone." We laughed at the instant memory we remembered. I sat down and he soon followed my movements. It was quiet as we gazed upon the garden, a peaceful place. I looked over at Natsu and saw how relaxed he looked. But his eyes were filled with fright. I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed softly.

"Hey Natsu?"

"Yeah Luce?"

"After the war is over, can you do something for me?"

"What is it you want me to do?"

"Tell me the promise we made, and why I have your scarf. Okay?" he moved his head and looked down at me.

"Okay." was all he said. I smiled and continued to stare out at the beautiful scenery. I noticed Natsu's hand was on my leg and slowly slid my own hand into his. He didn't seem to mind, in fact, he grasped my hand. I looked at our entangled fingers and smiled.

"It's peaceful." he mumbled. I nodded in agreement.

"I wish it could stay like this.." I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck and exhaled.

"We'll win right..?" I asked hesitantly. He didn't say anything at first, just patted my head with his free hand.

"I don't know..." even though he said the words I didn't want to hear, I felt comfortable and safe just being near him.

"Hey Luce?"

"What is it Natsu?"

"When we get back, can you dance with me?" his question confused me for a second until I realized. We never got to dance at the ball, and I told him we would. I smiled and looked up and him.


"Promise?" he said softly. He held out his pinky and I brought my free hand up to his, hooking our pinky's together.

"I promise." for a second, I thought I remembered something about our childhood promise but it quickly faded away.


"Ready to depart?" Laxus asked me as he approached me on his brown steed. I nodded firmly and threw my hand in the air.

"That's the signal boys, lets head out!" Gray yelled from behind. The wizards I gathered were all on horses, including Natsu. The soldiers marched from behind and we slowly made our way towards Crocus.

"Hey Lucy.." I looked over at who was calling me and saw Wendy.

"What's up Wendy??"

"Um, it's about Natsu. actually nevermind...I'll tell you when we can have more privacy.." I followed where her eyes were looking and saw Gray staring at us.

"Okay.." I replied and faked a smile at Gray.

"Say that again, I dare ya!" I flipped my head towards the yelling voice instantly knowing who it was.

"I'm just stating the truth. You're a horribly excuse for a dragon slayer. you can't even hold yourself up against another dragon slayer." I heard Gajeel say. I saw Natsu get red with anger.

"Gajeel, Natsu, enough." Laxus called out to them. They instantly piped down but continued to glare at each other.


"It's starting to get dark Princess, we should stop for the night." Mira suggested. I turned around and noticed our soldiers tired expressions.

"Yeah, good idea. we'll stop here for the night." we all stopped and some of the soldiers sighed in relief. To be honest, being in armor all day in the hot sun is not my favorite thing to do. Some people started setting up the tents while others went to get firewood and some water if needed. I sat on a stump and took out my keys. I put them on a key ring so they are easier to handle.

"How's the new magic coming along?" I looked up and saw Gray standing in front of me. I smiled at him as he sat on the grass next to me.

"I'm getting better at handling the amount of energy I use. I even got to know some of them on a personal level." I stared at the keys and giggled.

"Can you show me one?" he asked. I nodded and stood up, picking one of the keys. I held it up and spoke.

"Open, gate of the Twins. Gemini!" a small light shone and revealed two little blue creatures.

"Piri, piri!" They said in unison. Gray looked at them with slight shock in his eyes.

"What is their power?" he asked.

"Show him what you guys can do!" with that said, a puff of smoke appeared and suddenly another me popped out.

"Woah! there's two Lucy's!!!" Wendy yelled as she ran towards us. Mira, Juvia, and Laxus all followed behind her and they all stared at me.

"Let's show them the thing from earlier okay?"


"What's that Lucy?" Erza questioned as I took out my new weapon.

"It was a gift from Virgo. it's a whip. Now back up a little, I'm not fully in control of this move yet." everyone backed up a few steps and waited in anticipation.

"Now." I spun my whip towards Gemini and they did the same with their whip. Both of them collided and sparks started flying. I looked for a target and spotted a boulder nearby.

"Gemini the rock!" we nodded at each other and swung towards the boulder with all our might. The whips hit the rock and caused it to bust into hundreds of little pieces.

"Success." I said with a sigh of relief.

"Piri!" I gave them a thumbs up and they disappeared with another puff of smoke.

"Dang, that was awesome Lu-Chan!" Levy called out to me. I didn't realize that everyone was watching me now and it caused me to blush.

"It-it is still a work in progress.."


Hey! the chapter was really slow, I know I know. sorry, I kinda threw it all together. I hope the last part wasn't that bad, I tried to make the move sound cool but failed at it. I hope you still enjoyed it, especially Natsu and Lucy's alone time (;


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