This is War

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Lucy's POV

I opened my eyes due to the sunlight shining brightly through my windows. I yawned and sat up. I realized that Natsu was still in my bed and still had his arms around my waist.

"Mm...Luce..?" Natsu woke up and looked at me with a sleepy expression.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you..." I said. He sat up and stretched out his arms. He rubbed his eyes and smiled at me.

"Your sleeping face is cute." Natsu said with a lazy laugh. I blushed.

"You watched me sleep?!" I said, completely embarrassed.

"Only for a little while.." he started to pet Happy, who was sleeping peacefully at the foot of the bed. I was about to yell at him but a loud knock at my door stopped me. Without waiting for me to respond, the doors shot open and revealed Gray and Erza.

"LUCY! WE GOT BAD NE-" Gray cut himself off after seeing his surroundings. His eyes got wide and started to fill up with anger. He walked towards Natsu and clenched both his fists.

"Bastard! what do you think you're doing?!" He was to quick to stop, and he punched Natsu in the face. Luckily, Gray wasn't wearing armor. I grabbed Natsu and looked at his cheek start to swell.

"Sleeping with the Princess so carefree?! I should execute you where you stand!" Gray glared at Natsu and put his hands together. I gasped as I knew what he was gonna do.

"No! Gray Stop!" I yelled at him.

"But Lucy! he-"

"I told him to sleep with me! I couldn't fall asleep last night and asked him to keep me company. Nothing happened more than us sleeping!" I stared at Gray and watched his angry expression. He clicked his tongue and looked at Erza.

"Anyway, we're here because something horrible came up..." Erza spoke in a regretful tone. I stood out of bed and looked at her with a questioning look.

"The Prince of Crocus declared war on our kingdom..." Gray muttered. I felt a cold sweat roll down my face and my mouth gaped open.

"Y-you're kidding..." I stuttered. I glanced over at Natsu who was already staring at me. I started to tremble and fell to my knees.

"This i-is..." I choked out.

"Princess Lucy?" Erza called out. I looked up at her, tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.

"The Prince told Lucy to marry him and if she rejected him, he would start a war." Natsu spoke in a monotone voice. Gray and Erza went pale at hearing these words.

"So the hole in his room, was that your doing, Sir Natsu?" Erza asked. All Natsu did was nod.

"He hurt Lucy, I won't forgive him." he said. Natsu was so sweet towards me but right now I was shaking I fear. Not for myself, for my kingdom and it's people. Because I declined the Prince, my precious kingdom will be at war. This is all my fault.

"Luce, this isn't your fault." Natsu's voice was soft and caring. I looked up at him thinking if he read my mind. he walked up to me and pulled me to my feet.

"C'mon the Princess shouldn't act like this right? you're a strong girl, you're kind, loving, and courageous." He flashed a smile at me and gripped onto my hand.

"Bu-but the...citizens when they find out th-they'll start to panic. The Celestial Guard...d-do we even have enough men? and a-and..." I started to shake again and horrible thoughts filled my mind. Everything stopped when Natsu patted my head.

"Like I said, everything will be fine." He said softly. I felt two hands land on my shoulder and turned to see Gray and Erza.

"That's right Lucy, no need to worry!" Gray smiled.

"And our Celestial Guards are surely stronger than the Crocus military!" Erza said confidently. I smiled at them all and nodded. If they can still smile then so can I.


The four of us busted through the throne room and kneeled down before the king. I looked up at my father and saw the scared expression on his face. He once told me that he was in a war before, though he was the Prince then. It was a horrible memory he bears. he said he'd make the kingdom peaceful and make sure no wars were needed. I remember asking him why and he told me it was so he can make mother's dream come true. Remembering all the things he told me, seeing his expression now, I knew this wasn't a dream.

"So you have been informed of what has happened?" he asked me. I nodded and glanced over at Laxus who was standing against a pillar. He also wore an expression he usually doesn't.

"Father, I know that you never wanted to go to war...I regret my actions." I stood up and exhaled lightly.

"Lucy..." Gray whispered.

"I take the full blame, it was because of my careless actions that brought such a tragic event to our kingdom." I spoke sternly.

"Luce, it's not your-"

"But even so, we will go to war with Crocus." my father rose from his throne and stared at me in shock.

"Are you insane Lucy?! we have no chance!" he yelled. I felt everyone's eyes on me but I didn't flinch.

"Prince Sting will regret declaring war on my kingdom." I said in a cold tone. I turned my head away from my father.

"Gray. Erza. Gather the soldiers at the garden, I will give a speech to them and then we will prepare for battle." I ordered. They glanced at my father and then hesitantly nodded. They dashed out of the throne room. I glanced over at Natsu and smiled.

"Natsu, why don't you go find Wendy for me?" I asked in a sweet tone. He frowned at me but did as I asked. He walked out of the throne room and left the royal family alone in silence. For a few minutes all we did was pass glances towards each other. Laxus sighed and I decided to speak.

"Come with me to the garden, you two need to hear my speech as well."


Things just got serious. Sting really declared war on Magnolia, the most peaceful kingdom of them all! Lucy wasn't very happy about this, but what is she planning?? guess you'll have to keep reading to find out. Hope you liked the chapter! :3


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