It's Her?

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Natsu's POV

"And where do you think you're going?" I internally sighed as I saw the owner of the voice. Gray.

"You gonna answer me?" he said irritably.

"To see Lucy." I answered lowly.

"Address her as the Princess, don't act all buddy-buddy with her got it?" He said.

"You gonna stop me if I try?" I said with a smirk.

"Do you really wanna test me Pinky?" he said in a deep voice. He grabbed my cloak and slammed his forehead against mine. I got so pissed, I felt like taking him down right there.

"Gray!" I heard a girl's voice call out. We both turned out heads to face a red headed woman. I heard Gray click his tongue as he narrowed his eyes.

"What is it Erza? can't you see I'm busy here?" he spoke coldly. She walked closer to us and sighed.

"Why do you think I'm stopping you? do you realize how angry her majesty might be if you hurt her guest?" she spoke in such a calm voice. Gray let go of my cloak and glared at Erza.

"Listen here Erza, I outrank you. so don't go thinking you can give me orders." without saying anything else, Gray walked away. He glared at me one last time before turning a corner.

"I'm sorry about him," Erza started talking and sighed.

"He's just really protective over the Princess. can't say I blame him though, her majesty has been through a lot." she finished.

What does she mean by that?

She didn't say anything after that and just walked passed me. I watched as she turned the same corner as Gray did a minute ago. I looked in the opposite direction and started to walk to Lucy's room again. When I finally got in front of the two doors, I knocked and waited for a response. I didn't get one and knocked again. Nothing. I sighed and opens the doors, looking around the room. I glanced at the bed and spotted her.

It is dark out already, of course she's sleeping.

My thoughts were interrupted when I walked up to the side of the bed and saw something.

"Is that...." I mumbled. Lucy rolled over, now facing me. I saw what she was holding close to her chest clearly now.

"My scarf...?!" I gasped in surprise. I guess I said it too loudly because Lucy's eyes opened up. She looked at me with her sleepy eyes and grabbed my arm.

"" She muttered. She let go of my arm and scooted herself to the other side of the bed.

" sleep..." She signaled me to lay down but I didn't listen.

"Sorry Lucy...I'm gonna go back to my room, I didn't mean to wake you.." I ran out of the room and lightly closed the doors. I ran down the hallways until I got to my room, ignoring the pain I was still in. I opened the doors and quickly shut them. I slid down to the floor and put my hand over my mouth.

"So it is her..." I whispered to myself. I felt goosebumps form on my arms as my thoughts wandered.

"But...she died......right..?" I felt tears form in my eyes as I sat in the dark. I got up slowly and stumbled to the bed, falling on to it.

"That's not possible....I saw it with my own eyes..." a tear fell down my cheek.

"But if that really is her, then why doesn't she recognize me?" I asked myself. I took a deep breath and slowly released it.

"Maybe that wasn't my scarf, it was really dark in the room. I could've mistaken it to look like mine. yeah that's it." I told myself, trying to sound convincing.

"It's just a coincidence that she has the same name...and face..." my words trailed off. this isn't working, nothing makes sense.

"I should get back to sleep..." I closed my eyes and shuffled around until I got comfy. After what seemed like forever, I finally fell asleep.


I felt something warm lying next to me and opened one of my eyes to see what it was. I shot both my eyes opened and stared at what was laying there. What is that? it's blue? It looked up at me and blinked.

"Good morning." I almost fell out of the bed.

"You can talk?!!?" I yelled.

"Um Natsu, over here." I glanced at the foot of the bed and saw Lucy smiling at me.

"Wait that was you?" I asked. She nodded and giggled.

"Did you really think he could talk?" she asked me teasingly. I shook my head and looked back at the blue creature.

"His name is Happy, he's my pet cat." She said, as if knowing what I was going to ask. Suddenly, Happy rubbed against my arm and purred. Lucy's smile grew a little and she tilted her head.

"Looks like he likes you." she said softly. I smiled and pet his head.

"So Natsu, guess what?"

"Hmm? what?"

"We got another royal doctor, she's pretty great at her job. she just came back from her hometown." She put one hand on her hip as she moved to the side of the bed.

"She? aren't doctors usually men?" I asked confused at what she said.

"This doctor is special," Lucy winked at me and grabbed my hand.

"And you're gonna see her right now!" she pulled me out of the bed, I almost face planted. She gripped on tighter to me and ran out of the room. I noticed Happy following us.

"Ouch! still in pain here!" I yelp as she turned a corner. She laughed and gripped on a little tighter.

"Deal with it! you'll be fine soon." I looked down at our hands, it felt so warm.

This feeling...


What's up you guys? so was this chapter okay? what do you think Natsu keeps thinking about? what is Lucy to him? I guess you'll have to read my sucky story to find out. bye! :3


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