Please Stay

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Natsu's POV

"It's still kind of a blur.." Lucy mumbled. She just told me everything I needed to hear. She's definitely the girl from back then. I sighed and rubbed my neck.

"You were crushed by a piece of the castle debris."


I watched as daddy was attacking the building and then Princess started running towards the danger. I grabbed her arm tightly.

"let go of me! mommy and daddy are still in there!!!!" when she looked at me with those tear-filled eyes I loosened my grip. She ran towards the castle and then the rest happened so fast, yet everything felt like it was in slow motion. A piece of a stone pillar collapsed on top of her.

"PRINCESS!!!" I ran to her but a blanket of dust was making it difficult to see. When I spotted her, I felt my blood run cold. She was crushed by part of the pillar and she was covered in blood. I ran to her and threw the lighter debris out of the way.

"Princess! you're gonna be okay just hold on!" I picked her head up gently and laid it on my lap. She opened the eye that wasn't covered in blood and stared at me.

"Mr. hurts..." she mumbled. I felt my face getting wet, I was crying.

"Mr. Dragon....thanks for being my friend.." after she finished that sentence, she closed her eye and went limp.

"Princess? no no! please wake up! PRINCESS!!!!!"


Natsu's POV

"After a few minutes I left because I heard footsteps heading towards us. I ran to the garden and into the forest. I took one last look at the castle and saw I giant hole in the side of it..." I trailed off.

"So that hole was caused by..." Lucy hesitantly mumbled.

"Igneel, my father, yes. After all of that happened, I heard about how the castle was attacked by a dragon and gained victory. Since then, I've been training myself for revenge." I said, gritting my teeth. Lucy sighed and stared at me.

"You know Natsu, I was in a coma for 3 years because of that accident." She started to speak and I listened.

"When I woke up, I couldn't remember anything about the accident. I thought I was waking up like every normal morning. But there were doctors and nurses surrounding me. When they found out I had amnesia they took that as an advantage.."

"What did they do?" I asked, staring into her sad eyes.

"They told me that my mother left the kingdom. And that it caused me so much shock that I fell into a coma. I didn't believe them at first and ran into the throne room. I saw my dad sitting in his throne but mom wasn't in hers. In fact, her throne was covered by a sheet and moved to the side."

"So then...your mother.." I mumbled.

"I honestly don't know, my mother wasn't the type to just up and disappear.." she said and looked down at her hands.

"My dad looked at me and relief struck him. His precious daughter was awake. When the doctors told him I had amnesia he told me the same thing the doctors said about mom leaving. I believed it then, since it came from my own father." She sighed at the end and looked back at me.

"I'm sorry, I've been ranting haven't I?" she lightly laughed.

"Um...Lucy there was something else I forgot to tell you..." I mumbled. She looked at me with questioning look.

" and I--"

"Lucy my dear!" I was cut off by an older man who barged into the room. He ran to the other side of the bed and gripped onto Lucy's hand.

"Lucy is it true, do you finally remember?!" He asked in a worried tone. She nodded and smiled at him.

"Yes father, I remember. The castle was attacked and..." She trailed off and gave a sad smile to her father. He slowly nodded and frowned.

"Um father, what really happened to mom?" Lucy asked him. His gaze fell to the floor.

" the attack..." He said sadly. Lucy's eyes widened slightly, but she looked like she knew that was the real reason. Her dad suddenly shot his head up and looked at me.

"Lucy who is this?" he asked.

"Father, that's the man I saved from the forest." she replied and he nodded.

"But what is he doing here?" he said, sounding a little cold about it.

"It turns out we know each other, we were just catching up." She said sweetly.

As long as he doesn't find out what I really am I'll be fine.

"Oh! where did you two meet?"

Oh no.

"We met in the marketplace, it was only by chance though. he help me carry the items I bought." She smiled innocently at her father and he believed the lie.

"Thank you for helping my daughter." he smiled at me and I nodded.

"I was just doing what was right, your Highness.." I bowed slightly and looked away.


After a few minutes of pointless talking the king finally left the room. Lucy sighed and looked over at me.

"Sorry about that." she said.

"It's fine." I mumbled. She looked at me and tilted her head.

"What were you gonna say earlier?" she asked. I shook my head and stood up.

"It was nothing important." I said.

Lies. it is important.

I walked over to the door but her arm stopped me from doing so.

"You're not leaving, are you?" she was frowning. I didn't answer her and just stood there.

"Please don't leave! I know you don't like it here but stay! for me?" she pleaded. I pulled out of her grip and smiled at her sadly.

"Trust me Luce, you don't want me around." I smiled but my words were filled with sadness.

"I do want you around!" she yelled. Her eyes started to water and I crossed my arms.

Now or never, this'll scare her.

I sighed and started to shift. My horns and tail were revealed, my hands and feet were now claws. My cheeks were covered in dark pink scales and my ears got pointy. Finally, I opened up my wings and glared at her.

"You want to be around this monster?"


Hey! so guys, what did you think? I wonder what Natsu was going to say to Lucy. why did he decide not to tell her? and why did he just transform? I guess you'll have to keep reading to find out. (:


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