He's Awake

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Lucy's POV

I stared at the man who just opened his eyes and is now sitting up. He stared at me without saying a word.

"U-um are you okay? how are you feeling?" I asked nervously. His onyx eyes felt like they were looking through me.

"Where am I?" his voice was deep and raspy. I quickly grabbed a cup of water that was on the nightstand and handed it to him. He hesitantly drank some.

"You're in the castle." As I said that, he spit the water that he just sipped out and looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Why am I in the castle?!" He asked, emphasizing 'in' and 'castle'.

"I f-found you injured in the forest! I-I brought you here and patched you up." I stuttered. He looked at me, confused at what I said.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I should be asking that!" I said.

"Natsu, Natsu Dragneel." he mumbled.

"Nice to meet you Natsu! I'm Lucy Heartfilia!!" I smiled at him. His mouth opened slightly and his eyes widened.

"Lu...cy....Lucy.." he mumbled my name a few times which kinda creeped me out.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked curiously.

".......No...I don't know you..." he paused in between words which made me doubt him. I took a closer look at him but didn't recognize him from anywhere before I helped him. I shrugged and stood up.

"Natsu, what happened to you?" I asked.

"....Uh...I fell..." he muttered.

"Oh come on, falling doesn't cause this much damage to someone." I said, knowing he lied.

"It does if you come from the sky..." he whispered something that I didn't hear and I sighed.

"Well Natsu, you can stay here in the castle until you're fully healed. This is my room though, so you'll stay in a guest room. You'll also need new clothes." He looked at me and his expression went sour.

"Who says I wanna stay here? I'm leaving now." He growled and tried getting out if the bed. I pushed him down and he groaned in pain.

"Stupid! you're covered in cuts and bruises! just lay down and listen." I said sternly. I called over a maid and told her to bring me some new clothes for Natsu. after a few minutes she trotted back with the new clothes. I grabbed them and set them down next to Natsu.

"New clothes for when you're ready to actually stand." I said with a sigh. I stared at him but he just clicked his tongue and averted his eyes.

"Well, are you hungry Natsu?" I asked.

"I don't want your food." he replied coldly and I frowned.

"What's with you? do you have something against the castle?" I crossed my arms and gave him a questioning look.

"It's not just the castle, it's the royal army, and the king. I hate all of them." he glared at me as he spoke his words of hatred.

"Why?" I asked.

"You wouldn't get it..." He muttered, looking down at his bandaged hands. He sighed and slowly swung his feet to the side of the bed and stood up.

"I'm not staying, but I'll take these clothes." he stated. I stared at him and watched his face change into a pained one as he moved more.

"I don't think you should be standing yet." I set my hand on his shoulder but he slapped it away.

"I don't need a blonde bimbo like you to tell me what I can and can't do." He said, glaring at me. I was about to say something when my bedroom doors flew open.

"You should treat the Princess with more respect." Gray said coldly as he walked towards us. Natsu's eyes widened slightly as if realizing something.

"P-Princess?" he repeated Gray's words. Gray nodded and Natsu looked at me.

"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't be so cruel to her, after all she did save you." Gray stated in a matter of fact.

"Tch, whatever." Natsu retorted. Gray glared at him and started to get closer to us.

"Listen here-" Gray was getting closer to him and I stood in between them.

"Gray stop. there is no need to start a fight." I said calmly.

"But Lucy he-"

"I was the one who decided to take this man in, it was my own decision. He will stay here until he is fully healed. Now please, will you tell some of the maids to prepare a room for our guest." I spoke sternly and waited for him to react.

"Yes, your majesty.." he hesitantly said. He glared at Natsu one more time before walking out of my room. He closed the doors and I let out a sigh.

"I didn't ask for you to do that." I heard Natsu say behind me. I turned to him and frowned.

"I didn't do it for your sake, I did it for his." I said. He looked at me strangely but stopped as soon as I got closer to him. I was inches from his face now when he suddenly got uncomfortable.

"What?" He asked. I shook my head and quickly slapped him in the face.

"Ouch!! what the hell was that for?!" he yelled in pain.

"Blonde bimbo? really? that wasn't very nice. But anyway, I did that because you didn't listen to me." I said as I crossed my arms.

"I just don't want to be here." He mumbled, rubbing his cheek.

"Well too bad. Now, since your already standing, lets go to the room you'll be staying in." I grabbed his new clothes and turned towards the doors.

"I guess I really have no choice.." I heard him say in defeat.


Hey guys! um so how was the chapter? was it okay? I felt like I might've rushed it....let me know okay? thanks a lot! (:


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