Who Are You?

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Lucy's POV

My eyes fluttered open and I shot up. I looked around and noticed I was still in my bedroom. I sighed in relief and slid out of bed. I let out a yawn and pulled the rope. Seconds later Virgo came running in with her usual blank expression.

"Morning Virgo." I said and rubbed my eye.

"Princess...are you okay?" she asked. I gave her a questioning look.

"Whatever do you mean? of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" I raised my eyebrow and she shook her head.

"It's nothing Princess, let me help you change..." she said as she walked me over to my closet.


"Virgo was acting kinda weirdly this morning." I spoke to myself. I was walking down the castle hallways and noticed Laxus was a few feet ahead if me.

"Brother, you're home. good morning." I called out to him. His head almost did a 180 as he turned around.

"Sis!?" he looked surprised. He ran up to me and hugged me.

"Uh Laxus? are you okay?" I asked. He let go of me and stared at me. As if realizing something, he shook his head.

"I'm fine, I just missed you is all." he said.

"It's been a year since we saw each other, and you did stay in contact like I told you." I giggled. it only lasted a millisecond but Laxus' eyes widened. I chose to ignore it and head over to breakfast with him.

When we got into the dining hall, father was already sitting down with Erza by his side like usual. They both looked at me eyes widened.

"What is it? do I have something on my face or what? you guys keep giving me weird looks.." I said. Laxus sped walked over to dad and whispered something to him.

"Oh I'm sorry my dear, I thought you were going to skip breakfast is all.." Father spoke.

"Why would I do that?" I asked in a confused tone.

"I just thought you would go to the garden is all." he smiled at me and then motioned to the chair across from him.

"Shall we eat then?" I nodded to his question and sat down.


We finished eating and then I walked towards the garden. When I got outside, I took a deep breath in and let my skin absorb some of the suns rays.

"Beautiful day isn't it?" a familiar voice dragged me out of my trance and I smiled.

"Gray!" I yelled in joy. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"So tell me Gray, when did you get home from the fight?" I asked. He frowned at me.

"What are you talking about? I've been back for a while..." he answered.

"What? since when? why didn't you tell me sooner? you didn't even say hello!" I complained. He looked very confused.

"I don't understand...why are you talking like that?"

"Like what?"

"That. don't you know what's going on, what happened?"

"What in the world are you talking about Gray?"

"I'm talking about the war, the prince, your powers, Nat-" he suddenly stopped talking and looked away.

"No nevermind. Sorry, I just got back last night and I'm still exhausted. I'm just talking nonsense." he patted my head and walked away. I watched as he was slightly limping. I also notice a huge scar on his arm. I decided not to say anything and sit in the gazebo. I gazed at the flowers that surrounded me. I heard a noise coming from the rose bushes and walked over to them.

"Hello? is someone in there?" I asked. The rustling stopped and a rabbit jumped out of the bush. I smiled and picked him up. I saw blood stains on his fur and quickly patched him up. I pet him to calm him down and he seemed to like me.

"You're a cute little guy huh?" something flashes through my mind and I got an instant headache. The rabbit leaped out of my grasp and hopped away.

"Ouch..what the?"

I walked back into the castle and spotted Wendy. I was about to call out to her but then saw Erza walk up to her.

"Hello Erza." Wendy said.

"Yes, hello Wendy. how is he?"

"Fine, he's fully recovered but..."

"He will still be hanged."

"...Yeah. that." Wendy mumbled.

"Did you hear about Lucy?" Erza asked. Me? what about me?

"What's her condition??"

"She seems to remember everyone, but she doesn't seem to remember the war. or her magic abilities. Or even him.."

"I guess that's for the best...right..?" Wendy said in a sad tone.

"It's unfortunate, but once he's hanged, maybe she can live a normal life again." Erza let out a long sigh and continued to speak.

"Gray is on his way to the cell now, looks like he's still not eating. he just sits there." Erza and Wendy started to walk away and I felt pain go through my whole body.

"Ugh.." I clutched my head and saw images flashing through my head. It was all blurry and I didn't understand anything. I noticed Gray was in one of the images.

"I'll go ask him about it..."

~o~ (sorry about all these time skips..)

I walked down the stairs that lead to the cells. I looked around but didn't see Gray anywhere. I looked in each of the cells I passed but didn't see anyone in them. I made it to the last cell and looked in it. I saw a dark figure.

"Hello?" I called out to them. They looked up at me and I saw their onyx eyes.

"Lu..ce.?" he whispered.

"Um I'm sorry but how do you know me?" he stood up and walked over to me.

"You don't recognize me..?" he said in a sad tone. I shook my head.

"I think I'd remember a face like that." I said. He frown at me.

"How could you forget? it couldn't have-" he abruptly stopped and looked at the floor.

"Um I'm sorry but, I'm kinda confused. I heard my friends talking earlier and it seems we're somehow connected?"

"Yes we are.."

"But I don't know you? they were talking about magic and a war, what do you know about that?" he looked back up at me.

"You are Princess Lucy Heartfilia, you are a kind, generous, smart, slightly pushy, yet very brave girl who changed my life. You were about to get married to the Prince of Crocus but found out he was a bad man. Rejecting his proposal cause a war to break out. You were a nervous wreck but still wanted to protect your people. You found out you were a wizard and trained mercilessly to be strong enough to go against the Prince. I tried to stop you but ended up going along. The war begun and many lives were lost. Towards the end of it, you were caught by the Prince and beat almost to the point of death. I...saved you and then killed the prince. Magnolia took over Crocus and now you have lost your memory while I'm locked up in here." The man quickly spoke and explained too much for me to comprehend at once. Stared at the man.

"Who are you?"

"I am the man that is deeply in love with you."


Well shit, Lucy lost her memory AGAIN. Natsu is locked up and about to be hanged? what the hell is going on? I wonder if you got as frustrated as I did lol. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks!


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