What's Yours Is Mine And What's Mine Is Mine

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Natsu's POV

I got up on my feet as soon as I heard his voice. I looked in his direction and glared at him.

"Oh dragon boy can still stand? want me to hit you again?" Sting mocked. I clenched my fists and ran at him.

"Open. gate of the lion, Loke!" Lucy summoned that ginger playboy from earlier and brought out her whip.

"Let's fight him all at once!" Lucy yelled. Wendy was on her feet again and running alongside me. We all got closer to him and readied for our attack. I saw him smirk.

"Regulus punch!" Loke sent his powerful fist hurdling towards Sting. Sting just simply caught his fist and slammed Loke in the dirt.

"Sky drag-" Wendy didn't even have time to finish talking before Sting kicked her into a nearby tree. Lucy swung her whip in his direction and caught his wrist. He looked at her and laughed.

"Oh please, is this all you got Princess Lucy?" he pulled his wrapped wrist towards him and swung Lucy to him. She landed in his arms.

"Last chance. marry me or perish." Sting said coldly. I was going to attack him but it's too risky with Lucy being so close. She looked at him with disgust.

"I'll never marry a man like you." she slapped him and flailed her arms. I still can't do anything with her being in his arms.

"You bitch." Sting glared at her and grabbed her by the neck. I clenched my fists again and took a few steps closer.

"I'll burn you to a crisp." I stated. Sting looked at me and laughed.

"Heh, don't you know Natsu? in this kind of situation, what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine." He said as his face got closer to Lucy's.

"Touch her and I won't hesitate to kill you." I said in a menacing tone.

"I'm already touching her, but I can touch her some more if you want me to." he licked her cheek and I felt my blood boil.

"Natsu, don't." Lucy's voice was shaky and she looked at me with scared eyes.

"Is dragon boy gonna show me his true form?" Sting said, groping Lucy. I growled and shifted.

"I told you, TOUCH HER AND I'LL KILL YOU!" I flicked my tail in rage and flew towards them. Sting quickly threw Lucy to the ground and shifted himself. I attacked him before he had a chance to counter it. I swung my claws at him nonstop and hit him each time. He kicked me when I left myself open and I stumbled to the ground. He punched me in the stomach and I felt pain flow through me.

"How does my claw taste?" I looked at his claws piercing my torso.

"NATSU!" Lucy screamed from nearby. I grabbed onto his arm and smiled at him.

"My turn." I gripped onto him and swung him into the air. I rapidly flew up to him and kicked him down to the ground. He hit it with so much force that the ground beneath him caved in. I landed on top of him and started throwing my fists. When I thought I finished him off, I shifted back to normal and walked away from him. I walked up to Lucy who was next to an injured Wendy.

"She's got a broken arm from hitting the tree but she'll be okay." Lucy gave a small smile.

"What about Loke?" I asked, looking around for him.

"He went back. he wasn't badly injured, only a few scratches." She replied. I nodded my head and picked Wendy up.

"Let's go somewhere safe." I said to Lucy. She stood up and we started to walk away.


"Laxus! Gajeel! are you two okay?!" Lucy yelled as we got to the resting area. Laxus and Gajeel looked pretty beat up to the point where they couldn't even stand.

"I'm alright sis, that Cobra guy put up a challenge though." Laxus winced in pain as Lucy touched his arm.

"Laxus defeated Cobra but I was too weak and Rouge ended up escaping. I'm sorry Princess." Gajeel was being bandaged up and bowed in apology.

"No Gajeel, you fought greatly. The enemy is very strong but you faced them valiantly." Lucy smiled at him.


We left Wendy to rest with the other injured soldiers. I was standing on top of a hill when Lucy came from behind me.

"What a terrible scenery, right?" I said to her. She nodded and looked at the battlefield.

"Seeing this beautiful land covered in blood...I hate it..." she frowned and stared at her feet.

"Exposing my soldiers to such a dangerous war, what kind of princess am I?" she sat down and set her head down on her knees.

"You are a great princess, war won't change that." I sat down next to her and looked out at the soldiers who were still fighting.

"I can't even protect my friends. I can barley fight. The soldiers are risking their lives and I'm just a weakling." I heard Lucy sniffle and saw tears roll down her cheeks.

"That's the thing Luce, to have a princess who cherishes them. For you to shed tears for them, that's what gives them a reason." I smiled at her and she looked at me with her wet eyes.

"What reason..?" she asked.

"A reason to fight with you, alongside you Luce. They know how much you care. They will continue to fight if they know their princess cares." I wiped her remaining tears away and caressed her cheek.

"Natsu, show me the wounds you received from the battles." She said.

"Oh it's okay, I wasn't that badly injured..." I shook my head but she grabbed my shirt and lifted it up.

"Wasn't badly injured? look at this!" she pointed at the wound I got when Sting stabbed me. It was a bloody mess but I couldn't really feel the pain anymore.

"I'm fine." She ignored my words and dragged me to her tent. She quickly bandaged me up and cleaned my other smaller wounds.

"I'm sorry you had to safe me multiple times already.." she put the first aid kit away and sat down next to me. She looked like she was gonna cry again.

"I'm not sorry. if I didn't save you, you could've died. I would regretted not being near you." I hugged her tightly before she said anything else.

"I'm sorry.." she mumbled.

"Stop apologizing." I told her.

"Sorry.." she muttered. I sighed and stroked her hair to calm her down.

"It's okay, I'm here.."


Sorry about the chapter! I kinda rushed to update so I hope it's not too crappy. 😅

The next chapter will be pretty big and mostly likely the one after too, so be ready! I hope you enjoyed this horrible update and continue to read my story!


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