Celestial Queen

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Lucy's POV

Virgo pushed open the door and it opened with an eery creak. The three of us walked into the dark room. The lights suddenly flickered on.

"KYAAAH!!" I screamed in fright. I shot a look at Natsu who was by the light switch. When I realized what happened, I laughed nervously.

"O-oh sorry...I thought I felt something touch my foot..."

"Princess, you're wearing sabatons." Virgo pointed out.

"A-anyway! what is this place?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Virgo walked over to a small chest that was on a dusty desk and picked it up. She walked up to me and handed it to me. I felt a strong presence just from holding it.

"Um...what is this..?" I asked her. She blinked at me.

"Open it." She spoke. I stared at the chest with a confused expression but slowly unlatched it and opened it. I looked inside.

"Keys?" I questioned. Virgo nodded and then pulled out one of the keys.

"Here Princess, this is my key."

"Like you bedroom key or something..?"

"No Princess, this is what holds my contract with you."

"Contract?" I looked at her as if she was crazy. She handed me the key and I stared at it. It looked familiar but I don't know where from.

"Princess, you are the Celestial Queen." Virgo's word just got more confusing.

"Queen? I'm the Princess, Virgo. what are you talking about??"

"Pick up the other keys, Princess." I did what she said and took the other keys out of the chest. I held them in my hands and gazed at their beauty. twelve gold keys and a white one.

"Do you recognize them yet?"

"A little but I don't know where from."

"How about you try summoning one of the gold ones?" I picked one and held it in my right hand. As I looked at the key, some words popped into my head.

"Open! gate of the Lion! Leo!" the words came out smoothly and then a bright light shined through the room. A man appeared out of no where.

"Lucy! oh how I missed you!!!" the man ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I awkwardly hugged him back and then he picked me up bridle style.

"You've grown into a sexy young lady, lets get married right away!!!" he cheered.

"Eek! pervert!" I flailed my arms and he ended up dropping me.

"Who the hell are you?" I heard Natsu speak in an irritated tone.

"I'm Loke. I'm the king of the twelve zodiac spirits and Lucy's future husband." He said with a smirk.

"Husband?! I never agreed to that! and what do you mean spirit?!" I called out to him.

"That's what we are Princess." Virgo said. I looked over at her and she nodded.

"I am the Maiden Virgo, Loke is the Lion Leo, and there are ten others like us. Why don't you try summoning another one?"

"O-okay.." I grabbed another gold key and said the words that came to mind.

"Open! gate of the Giant Crab! Cancer!" with that, another man appeared before us. He looked weird with those pinchers of his.

"Baby." he said smoothly and snipped his scissors shut.

"That's Cancer, his scissors are almost invincible." Loke said.


After summoning two other spirits I ran out of magic energy as Virgo put it.

"Explain this to me please." I asked Virgo as she handed me a glass of water.

"Well Princess, right before you were born, Queen Layla had a contract with all of us. It wasn't until after you were born that we were contracted to you. How funny, all it took was a baby's laugh and we were all fascinated in you. Queen Layla passed down her magic and her keys down to you but King Jude felt that you wouldn't be ready for the responsibility as a kid. So he hid the keys until you were ready for them." She poured some tea for Natsu and he thanked her, taking a sip out out of the cup.

"Layla said that I, along with one other could stay and watch as you grew up."

"Who else stayed?" Natsu asked.

"Princess, you know Capricorn correct?"

"Laxus' butler." I answered.

"But I thought he was just a goat hybrid or some kind of chimera.."

"No, he is the Goat, Capricorn. I thought it was quite obvious.." Virgo spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah I guess. but what is with me being the 'Celestial Queen'?"

"You have so much magic energy inside of you, more than your mother and grandmother. That white key was not owned by your mother, it appeared when you gained your magic."

"What kind of spirit is this one?"

"That Princess, is the Celestial Spirit King's key.."

"Spirit King?"

"The strongest out of all us, and you're holding his key right now." I looked down at the white key. I can't believe I have a magic ability. I always thought Laxus was the only one out of us two.

"So with these, I'm even more stronger than I thought. I feel so relieved about this war now." I said with a smile.

"Princess, you mustn't get to power crazy. If you summon too much of us you can seriously hurt yourself.." Virgo explained. I nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

"I know, I'll just keep training until the fight starts." She gave me a small smile before bowing.

"Well this is great and all but," Natsu finished his tea and set it on the tray.

"I still won't let you go."


"Alone." he interrupted me and then smirked.

"Virgo get me some armor too." He called out to her and she nodded. she trotted out of the room.

"Why? you don't have to come, you don't even like my kingdom."

"It's starting to get better.." he took a few steps closer to me and grabbed my hand.

"I won't leave you alone, I made a promise." His word were soft and comforting. He hugged me and I smiled at feeling his warmth.

"What promise exactly?" I asked. He let go of me and looked away.

"You still don't remember..?"

"Natsu can't you just tell me? where did I get your scarf from and what is this promise you keep talking about? I remember most of what happened back then but that part is still cloudy.." I frowned and grabbed Natsu's Hands.

"I'm back Princess." hearing Virgo's voice I let go of him and we awkwardly stood there.

"Did I interrupt something?" She said.

"No! We weren't doing anything!" we said in unison.


How was the chapter? Lucy found out she is in fact a wizard! how will this turn out in the war against Crocus? hopefully beneficial. I hope the chapter was good! cya ( ' ▽ ' )ノ


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