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Natsu's POV

I left Lucy's tent and headed straight for that bastard Sting. On my way there, I ran into Ice Breath who decided on his own he was going to join me.

"You know, I still don't like you." Gray said.

"Really? I was just thinking the same thing." I said.

"If it wasn't for Lucy, I'd take you down." He threatened.

"Loved to see that happen!" I mocked. He was about to say something but a group of enemy soldiers popped up in front of us.

"Ice Make Lance!"

"Fire Dragon Roar!" the soldiers didn't stand a chance. We kept running and then that annoying asshole appeared.

"Rouge." I said in annoyance.

"Who's this guy?" Gray asked.

"The Shadow Dragon Slayer, Rouge." I answered. Rouge smirked at us and crossed his arms.

"That princess of yours is pretty easy to capture." he said.

"What do you mean?!" Gray yelled.

"She was fighting our soldiers and overworked herself. I took her before that redhead could even lay a finger on me." He looked so proud. I glared at him.

"You bastard!!!" I yelled. Gray and I ran at him and tried to hit him. But like I expected, he faded into the ground.

"Enough of that shadowy bullshit, fight like a man!" I said in irritation.

"Why should I? you two aren't strong enough to defeat me, why waste my time on you?" Rogue responded. I glanced over at Gray.

"Well, I guess he's too much of a wuss to fight two wizards at once. I expected better from the Prince's right hand man." Gray mocked Rouge and got an attack as a response. Though Gray dodged it in time, Rouge did not look happy.

"How dare you! you will pay for saying those things!" Rouge ran over to Gray and tried to attack but instead I took the chance to attack him.

"Fire Dragon Claw!" I yelled as I land the hit on him. He hit the ground and then quickly faded into it.

"Flame-For-Brains, don't think helping me is gonna make me like you." Gray remarked.

"I wasn't trying to, I'm getting revenge for the last time." I noticed the shadow rushing over to Gray and pushed him out of the way. A fist flew into my stomach and I felt the sharp pain.

"You're a fool Natsu Dragneel, you won't get revenge." Rouge said in a cold tone. I quickly grabbed his arm and swung him out of the ground and into the sky.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" I yelled and Rouge was submerged in fire. I fell on one knee as I watched his body fall. He landed with a thud and I thought I defeated him. But again, he phased into the ground. I looked around the ground but didn't spot a shadow.

"It's over for you Natsu Dragneel!" I heard the voice directly behind me but there was no way I could move out of the way fast enough.

"Ice Make Lance!" Gray attacked Rogue and his ice pierced his arm. I looked at him dumbfounded at what he did.

"What are you waiting for? go save Lucy." Gray demanded.

"Hey wait a-"

"Go before I change my mind." he said. I nodded and ran towards the enemy campgrounds. I looked back and saw the two clashing against one another.


I spotted the enemy tents and ran a little faster. I heard voices and tried to listen in more.

"Don't struggle, come on." A mans voice. A very familiar voice. I took a few steps closer to the voice and then heard the other one.

"Untie my hands, it hurts." That is the voice I knew all too well.

"Lucy!" I yelled and ran towards the voices. I saw them and they both saw me. I watched Lucy's face brighten up when she looked at me.

"Natsu!" she shouted. I darted to them and was ready to deck Sting in his stupid face.

"Woah now Dragon Boy, why don't you calm down?" Sting grabbed Lucy by the throat and suddenly a bright light shot out of his hand and hit Lucy head on.

"Lucy!" I yelled. Sting licked her cheek and smirked at me.

"So, are you calm now?" he asked. I glared at him and clenched my fist.

"You bastard.." I said angrily.

"Oh, so you're not calm. Well maybe she can handle another hit." Before I could say anything, Sting used his magic and hit Lucy in the stomach.

"Stop it!!!" I took a few steps forward and was about to knock him out. He jumped back with Lucy in his arms.

"Penalty." another hit, this time her leg.

"Let her go!!!" I shouted in anger. I felt my body start to tremble. He hit her again. Again and again over and over.

"STOP IT YOU BASTARD!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran at him. He threw Lucy to the ground and shifted.

"White Dragon Roar!" His attack hit me and I was blown away. I got back on my feet and shifted.

"You're dead." I said coldly. I dashed at him but suddenly Lucy was there.

"What the hell?!" I stopped myself from attacking and backed up a few steps.

"I hope it's okay if I use her as a shield." Sting remarked. He laughed and then grabbed a handful of her hair.

"Gah!" Lucy whimpered in pain.

"Such a pretty princess, pity that I have to kill her." My whole body was shaking. I can't do anything. Nothing.

"Na-Nastu...don't worry a-bout me.." Lucy stuttered.

"Are you sure you want to say that Princess Lucy?" Sting took one of his claws and swiped it across her thigh. Blood trickled down her leg. I snapped. All this rage is begging to come out and play.

"Now I'm all fired up." I said in a menacing voice.

"Natsu no..!" Lucy's eyes widened but I didn't stop myself. I felt my bones move around and my size was rapidly increasing.

I'll protect Lucy no matter what.


Hello you guys, I'm sorry again for crappy fight scenes. I'm happy you are still reading though. Next chapter is gonna be REALLY big so I don't think you'll wanna miss it. I'll update soon. Thanks and bye! :3


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