Please No

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Lucy's POV

I watched as Natsu was getting bigger and scalier. I looked at Sting who was in complete shock. I knew Natsu was a dragon whenever I got my memory back, I kinda figured it out from the recent castle attack. He didn't have to tell me, he hates the royal family so it's obvious.

"Wh-what the hell..?!" Sting mumbled. My eyes widened as I saw it. Natsu was a dragon, a really big dragon. He let out a blood curdling roar and glared at us.

"Natsu..?" I muttered. Sting yanked me closer to him.

"What the hell is going on with him?! why is he a dragon!?" Sting was trembling.

"He was raised by a dragon, I don't know why he can turn into a dragon though.." I answered, still trying to escape his grasp. Sting looked at me, sweat running down his face.

"Raised by a dragon..? What the hell?" Sting's voice was shaky. Natsu roared again and took a step towards us. Sting pulled me in front of him again.

"D-don't come any closer!!" Sting yelled but Natsu wasn't listening. He took another step towards us and then Sting threw me to the ground.

"Rouge! where are you?! I need some help!" Sting shouted.

"Yeah he won't be coming to your rescue." A voice said. I turned to see who it was.

"Gray." I said.

"What do you mean!?" Sting asked in a frightful tone.

"I froze him since he was getting on my nerves." Gray answered. Sting stood in complete shock. I slowly got on my feet and then it happened. A claw hit Sting and he went flying into the air. Another claw caught him and started to squish his body.

"Argh! shit, help! One of you help me!" Sting looked at us. Even if I did wanna help that bastard, I can barley move. I looked over at Gray and he was staring at Natsu.

"Hey Lucy...why is that dragon here..?" he asked, his voice cracking a little at the end. He doesn't know it's Natsu, thank god.

"Um...I-I don't know it suddenly p-popped up.." I replied. Gray gave me an unconvinced look and then glanced around the area.

"Also, where is that pink haired freak..?" Gray asked in a suspicious tone. Dammit.

"N-Natsu? I don't know w-here he is.." I keep stuttering, there's no way he believes me. Suddenly fire went through the air above us. I looked at Natsu and noticed Sting wasn't in his grasp anymore. But then I saw ashes.

"D-don't tell me...he's..." I tried to speak but words didn't wanna come out clearly. I stared at Natsu's new and scary form.

"That dragon just killed the Prince." Gray said aloud. Natsu let out a roar and spread out his giant red wings. He flew into the air and headed towards the battlefield.

"Where is he going now?" I asked myself.

"He's gonna kill more people, I gotta stop him!" Gray yelled and started to run off.

"Gray wait!" I yelled.

"Hide somewhere, I'll be back after I kill that beast!" he disappeared in the distance and left me alone.

"Natsu..." I shook my head and grabbed the scarf that was still wrapped around my waist. I started to walk in the direction Natsu and Gray went, stumbling and sometimes falling along the way.


"*huff huff*...Gray is somewhere around here..." I was trying to catch my breath while looking around the bloody field that was once covered in green. Several corpses laid along the ground, I tried to ignore the horrid sight. I heard voices nearby and went towards them.

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