Sting's Real Colors

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Lucy's POV

"Dance with you? who even are you?" Sting rudely remarked. Natsu glared at him but he didn't seem to care.

"I'm Natsu, got a problem?" he spoke in a deep tone. Sting grinned and tugged me towards him.

"The Princess is mine for the night, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't interrupt us." Sting gripped on to my wrist and smiled sweetly at me.

I can't reject him...not in this place..

"I'm sorry Natsu, I'm gonna go with him.." I put on a fake smile and Natsu clicked his tongue.

"Well then, lets go Princess Lucy." Sting lead me to the balcony. the sun was already setting, leaving a the sky a dark orange color. I sipped on my wine and glanced over at Sting. he was already staring at me and I blushed a little bit.

"Princess Lucy, you're very beautiful." His words made me blush even more.

"Thank you Prince Sting, you're rather good looking yourself." I smiled at him and noticed his face get pink. We chatted for a while, about our kingdoms, royal duties, and even stuff we did for fun.


"Hahaha and then Lector fell in the pond! he didn't like me for the rest of the day!" Sting and I were laughing loudly. I took another sip of my wine while Sting was trying to stop laughing.

"Ha, you know Princess, I thought Rogue was the only one who gets me. but you, you and me have so much in common!" Sting grinned widely and blushed.

"I feel the same way! I haven't known you more than 24 hours but I feel like I've known you forever!" (Oh god I feel like I'm writing a freaking Frozen fanfic -.-) he chuckled at my comment and we smiled at each other. I drank the rest of my wine and looked up at the stars.

"Princess, it's getting chilly, maybe we should go back in and socialize." I nodded my head and let Sting lead me back into the castle.

"Let me get you a refill." He grabbed my empty glass and walked away. I looked around and sighed softly. The guests were still dancing and socializing, I even saw Laxus smiling while talking to a certain white haired girl. Erza was...'dancing'...with this blue haired man. I didn't spot the others anywhere throughout the crowd.

I wonder if Natsu is mad at me...

My thoughts got interrupted when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I flipped my head and saw Gray standing there.

"Good evening Gray." I said.

"Evening Lucy, how's the ball going for you?" he asked. I glanced over at the table Sting stood at and then back at Gray.

"It's going pretty well, I've gotten to know the prince." He frowned at my words and then shook his head. The band started playing another song and Gray smiled yet again.

"May I have this dance, Lucy?" Gray offered his hand to me and I giggled. I grabbed hold of his hand and he pulled me onto the dance floor. We swayed to the music, I felt people watching us. I looked up at Gray who flashed a smile at me.

"I never got to say how pretty you are in that dress." I blushed at Gray's words and smiled.

I'm getting a lot of compliments tonight..

"Thanks Gray, I can see armor isn't the only thing that looks good on you." (GRAY DOESN'T STRIP IN THIS STORY, I'M SO SORRY FOR THAT) I chuckled softly as I saw his face go red. The song ended and father stood up from his throne.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the ball! I am very honored that you all came, but unless you're a royal guest, you have to leave. Thank you for coming to this joyous event!!!" father spoke loudly and then the crowd applauded. The ballroom slowly emptied out, leaving only a few people, including me, in it.

"Princess, sorry I took so long.." Sting trotted over to me and Gray, holding a glass of wine. He handed it to me and smiled. He looked over at Gray and gave him a questioning look.

"Oh I'm sorry Prince Sting, this is Gray. he's the General of our Celestial Guard." I gestured towards Gray and Sting smiled at him.

"I see, thank you so much for protecting Princess Lucy and the rest of this kingdom." Sting held out his hand which Gray shook. I took a sip of the wine and listened to Sting rant about his military to Gray.

"Cobra is our Royal Guard's General, he has amazing strength." as they spoke, I felt a dizzy feeling envelop me.

"Lucy?" Gray called out.

"Hey Princess Lucy, something wrong?" Stings voice was echoing in my head. I stepped back and felt him support me. I looked up at him, my vision was slowly fading. The last thing I saw was him smiling at me before I fell into darkness.


My eyes shot open and I sat up. I quickly scanned my surroundings and noticed Sting sitting next to me.

"You finally woke up." he said sweetly. I gave him a confused expression and looked around the room once more.

"We're in the guest room your father let me borrow for my stay." he smiled at me and grasped my hand.

"Princess Lucy, there's actually something I should tell you.." his smile turned into an evil smirk and he leaned in towards my ear.

"You see Lucy, I put a drug in your drink." his words sent chills up my spine. He gazed into my eyes and I felt scared. I nervously laughed at him.

"Why w-would you do that?" I stuttered. He was still smirking at me as his face inched closer to mine.

"Well how else am I gonna make you mine?" he suddenly licked my cheek and I flinched away.

"Prince Sting, s-shouldn't the gentleman pr-propose before doing something l-ike this?" I kept stuttering and felt my whole body start to tremble.

I don't like this feeling..

"Propose? oh I get it, you want our kingdoms to be united right? let me tell you something Lucy, my kingdom wants nothing to do with your kingdom." As he finished his sentence he forcibly planted his lips on mine (I don't ship Stinglu whatsoever, but this is part of the story). My eyes widened and I pushed him away.

"Stop! if you don't want anything to do with my kingdom then why are you even here?!" I glared at him but he just laughed.

"Well the King himself invited me, how could I turn him down?" he grabbed my wrists and pinned my arms against the bed frame.

"I also heard about the daughter he has. Who knew she'd be such a slut."


Hey guys!
Omg what's going on?? Sting stop touching Lucy, she's Natsu's!!! I know you probably didn't like the chapter much since Natsu was barley in it, but don't worry he'll be in the next one! thanks for reading this chapter. :3


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