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Lucy's POV

I woke up in my tent and looked around. I could hear the sounds from the battle that still continued on. I jumped onto my feet and walked out of the tent.

"Where did Natsu go..?" I asked myself.

I looked around the tents and didn't see him. I decided to go to the medical tent to see if anyone knew where he was. When I walked in, I saw Wendy was all healed up and already helping Mira with the injured.

"Oh, hello Lucy." Mira called out. I waved and walked over to them.

"How's everyone doing?" I asked.

"Most of the soldiers only suffered with minor cuts and bruises, but then there's Gajeel and Laxus.." Wendy spoke. I gave her a questioning look as she pointed over to the two of them.

"Gajeel took quite the beating against that Rouge fellow." Wendy said sadly.

"Laxus defeated Cobra but almost got himself killed in the process." Mira said with a sigh.

"Well you can heal them right Wendy?" I asked in a concerning tone. Wendy nodded her head.

"It'll take a while for Gajeel to fully heal but Laxus will be fine by tonight." Wendy replied.

"Tonight?! I can still fight!" Laxus sat up and tried to support himself with his elbows.

"No way, look at you! you're in no condition to fight!" I told him. He ignored my protest and attempted to stand on his feet, wincing at the pain. Mira walked over and hit his arm.

"Ow!" Laxus groaned in pain.

"Don't be stupid, you aren't going out there like this." Mira said coldly. Laxus clicked his tongue and laid back down without another word.

"By the way Lucy, why are you here? do you need anything?" Wendy asked as she finished helping out a soldier.

"Oh, have any of you guys seen Natsu?" I asked. They all shook their heads.

"Last time I saw him he was heading back out to the war zone." Gajeel mumbled out. I thanked Gajeel and ran out of the tent.

"Princess Lucy, please assist us!" I heard some soldiers yell. I looked ahead and saw their bloody faces.

"Princess Lucy, the Prince is drawing nearer to the campgrounds! we need your help!"

"Okay, I'll try to push him back." I ran past them and towards the fight. I saw a huge crowd of soldiers and grabbed my keys.

"Okay, lets go. Open, Gate of the Ram, Aries! You too Loke, open, Gate of the Lion, Leo!" both keys lit up and Aries and Loke appeared.

"Oh hey Lucy, nice to see you again~❤" Loke purred.

"Hey. Aries listen, I need you to put a protective barrier around the campgrounds using your fur. Loke you come with me."

"Yes ma'm I'll try my best!" Aries said as Loke and I ran towards the enemy. As we got closer, I looked around and spotted Erza fighting a bunch of enemy soldiers.

"Erza!" I yelled.

"Princess." she looked back at me and then attacked two soldiers.

"Heaven's Wheel Armor!" Erza changed her armor within seconds. She summoned ten swords at once and took down all the soldiers in her path.

"Erza, have you seen Natsu?" I asked.

"No, have you seen the General?!" she asked back in a concerned tone. I shook my head.

"Lucy! they're coming." Loke called out. Me and Erza both prepared to attack.

"There's too many of them Princess, we can't take them on our own." Erza warned.

"A real man never watches two women fight on their own!" I knew who that voice belonged to.

"Elfman, you're here!" I called out.

"Not like they were on their own though, I'm here too." Loke said with a smirk.

"Great, the more the merrier." Erza said. We all ran at the soldiers and started to attack.

"Regulas Punch!" Loke punched the ground with his fist and it caused an explosion which made some of the soldiers fly into the air.

"Beast Soul, Weretiger!" Elfman sped through the soldiers, attacking many of them at once.

"I won't allow myself to lose!" Erza summoned almost thirty swords and sent them flying into the crowd of enemy soldiers. I brought my whip and swung it at soldiers nearby. I noticed the number of enemies was increasing.

"The four of us can't handle them on our own, we need more people!!!" Erza yelled. I looked around and saw our soldiers trying to help but the number of allies were dropping. I was getting frustrated. I took out my keys and stared at them.

"I should be able to summon another spirit but which one?" as I asked myself, I looked down at the ground and noticed a puddle.

Princess, you can only summon this key in water.

Virgo's words repeated in my head. I grabbed the key and stuck it in the puddle.

"Open. Gate of the Water Bearer, Aquarius!!" I yelled the words and in seconds a mermaid appeared in front of me.

"What the hell? did you just summon me from a puddle?" she looked angry.

"U-uh yeah I'm sorry but I had no choice, there wasn't a river nearby.." I mumbled.

"Tch, next time you summon me in a puddle I'll make sure you'll regret it. what do you want?" she said impatiently.

"Those soldiers are the bad guys, do you think you can help us out?" I asked.

"Fine, but don't go thinking you can boss me around." Aquarius washed away all of the enemy soldiers with one attack. As I watched, I started to feel dizzy.

"Lucy, you idiot! you shouldn't summon more than two spirits, you'll run out of energy and hurt yourself!" Loke yelled.

"Aries, Leo, and Aquarius are all strong Zodiac spirits. Lucy close their gates now!" Erza hollered. I nodded and tried to grabbed their keys again. I closed their gates fell o my knees. I was growing weaker. My eyesight started to slowly get darker.

"Lucy! no! let her go!!!" I heard Erza yelling and tried to open my eyes. All I saw was a shadow before falling into a deep sleep.


I opened my eyes and noticed I was tied up in a dark tent.

"Finally awake?" I flipped my head towards the familiar voice and frowned.

"Sting." I growled.

"Correct!" He said in a cheery tone. He walked up to me and licked my cheek.

"You taste pretty good."

"Let go of me!" I yelled. He shook his head and grabbed the rope that was wrapped around my wrists.

"How about we go for a small walk?"


Hello you guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter. The next chapter will be pretty big so be prepared I guess. Anyway thanks for reading (:


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