Chapter One

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I know this chapter is really short, sorry but it really was just an intro, I hope u enjoy the story!

-Georgia xx


I awake to a loud buzzing, why is my alarm clock going off so flipping early? Ughhh, I just realised it's a school day. Wait, not an ordinary school day, it's my first day of college... at NYU.

"Zyana darling, are u up yet" I hear my mother call from downstairs where she is most likely packing me a homemade lunch, great. It's not that I don't appreciate what my mother does for me, its just that I don't need a packed lunch. I mean really just imagine an 17 (almost 18) year old girl sitting down to eat lunch with a Barbie doll lunch box filled with a butterfly shaped sandwich. Anyway.....

"Yes mum, I'm just getting dressed" I yell back down and then drag myself out of bed to get changed. I decide on a white off the shoulder top with a black skirt, I'm not really bothered about looking my best but I don't want to look terrible either.

After straightening my thick brown hair at a record speed I rush down the stairs to eat breakfast. I decide on having coco pops as that is my favourite and sit down at the bench next to my dad.

"Are you ready for your first day of college" he ask me in his thick Canadian accent.

"I think so, I'm a little nervous but mostly excited" I reply with a smile. I love my mum and dad equally but sometimes I feel more like a daddy's girl.

"Well that's good sweetie, just make sure to get good grades" my mum chimes in from where she had been listening to our conversation. That's what it's all about for my mum, the grades. I know she only wants the best for me but sometimes I wonder if she is trying to relive her life through me.

"I will really try mum" I reply to her comment. With that she gives me a small smile, tells me to hurry up and leaves the room to continue to get ready.

"I'll be back" I tell my dad and then head back upstairs to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I apply a small amount of makeup and then hurry back down the stairs to where my parents are waiting.

Once at the campus my nerves start to kick in, what if I get lost? What if I am really stupid? What if I'm really clumsy? Before I can get too stressed I calm myself down and head into my dorm without a second thought.

There is already a girl in the room, she has really long curly blond hair (which reminds me of Sam off of Icarly) and blue eyes, she is roughly the same height as me and dressed in a lot of pink and white.

"Hi I'm Steph!" she instantly says. Her smile is so bright and her excitement so contagious that I find my nerves instantly vanishing from my mind.

"I'm Zyana" I tell her and wait for her reaction to my strange name.

"Oh My Gosh! I love your name, I wish mine wasn't so boring" she replies, I was not expecting that reaction.

"Thanks, usually" I start to tell Steph that I usually get teased for my name but I get interrupted by my mother.

"Aren't you going to introduce us honey" my mum says in her fakest sweet voice with her fakest smile.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, Steph this is my mum Natalia and dad Jack" I introduce my parents.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you, wow you're a really good looking family." Steph compliments my family and I can instantly see my parents liking towards her.

"Thank you love, Anyway Zyana, we need to get going or else we won't make it home tonight". My mum tells me and I can't help but feel a little relieved.

We all say our goodbyes as my parents leave and I promise that I will call them every night.

"Wow, you are officially on my mums 'acceptable friends' list" I tell Steph using my hands to emphasise how stupid the list is.

"Oh, really? That's good, at least I will be invited over now" Steph giggles and I can't help but join in.

"Is this your first year?" my new friend asks me.

"Yeah, you?" I reply.


After unpacking with Steph for at least two hours we decide to call It a night and we both prepare for bed.

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