Chapter 4

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His view.

Cassidy's hands feel clammy as we walk towards my parents. I know that it finally hit her. There are no more jokes fast and furious from her mouth.
She realizes the enormity of the situation. I would be laughing if I wasn't feeling so hot under the collar myself.

I stare at my parents in front of me and I see Tarquin running towards them excitedly. I've underestimated how seriously the family will take the news of my engagement. I'm angry at myself. I didn't think this through properly. There could've been better ways to whisk Cassidy off to have some alone time with her. This seems like a very complicated way to get some hot sex out of her. I'm not even sure why I care so much. I've already had her. And I'm pretty sure I can have her again. There's no a woman alive who can turn me down.

"Harry." My mother's face lights up as we come face to face.
"Mother." I let go of Cassidy's hand and step forward to kiss my mother.
"You're looking well, as per usual."
"This is Cassidy?" She turns towards Cassidy and looks surprised. I know she didn't expect to see a young girl, with unfashionable clothes and slightly frizzy hair. I've been thinking about taking Cassidy shopping to get some new outfits before we came, but I wasn't sure how she would've taken that.
"Yes, mother."
"Oh." She looks at me with a disappointed expression. "Why did we have to learn about Cassidy from the newspapers?"
"Mother, I was going to tell you." I start and I can see Cassidy frowning at me. I know that she's not happy with the lies. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with them as well.

"Anyway, let's not argue. This is Cassidy Franklin."
"It's nice to meet you, Cassidy." My mother's voice is stiff as she shakes Cassidy's hand.
"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs-- I mean Queen Romeria." Cassidy sounds awkward and I want to laugh.
"You may call me Anne." Mother's voice is monotone and I can't tell what she's thinking.
"Oh, thanks" Cassidy's voice drifts off and then my father steps forward.
"I'm James." He grabs Cassidy and pulls her into a bear hug. "I'm glad to finally have a daughter."
"Father." I shake my head at my father's exuberant hug. "That's too much."
"Can I not say what I feel?" My father looks at me with a smile. "Does being a king mean nothing these days?"
"James," my mother scolds him. "Let go of the poor girl."
"I'm just welcoming her to the family." He shakes his head. "I'm not doing--"
"Where's grandma?" I cut him off. "I thought she wanted to come down and meet Cassidy?"
"She's watching TV." My mother shakes her head. "She's very disappointed in you, Harry. She doesn't understand how you would not tell your family of this very important decision. We are all very disappointed, but I wanted to come down and meet Cassidy." She gives Cassidy a quick tight smile and then turns to me and speaks in our native tongue. "Who is this girl, Harry? She doesn't even look like she's out of school. You expect her to become a princess and the queen of Romeria? Is this a joke?" She shoots at me quickly, all the while keeping a smile on her face, so that Cassidy doesn't understand what we're talking about.

"Mother, Cassidy is my choice for a wife and you'll just have to accept that." I retort back at her, all the while smiling.
"I never expected to see the day you married and now, you say you're getting married to—to someone who looks like a poor orphan."
"I've never seen any rich-looking orphans, Mother."
"Don't talk back to me, Harry." Her eyes flash at me and I turn away from her annoyed.
"Is everything okay?" Cassidy looks at me with worried brown eyes and I nod and reach for her hand. In that moment, I feel guilty. I feel guilty for subjecting her to what I know is going to be a difficult situation, all because she is getting to my head.
"It's fine." I say finally, trying to ignore the way her lips tease me as she licks them quickly.
"Uh huh." She shakes her head slightly and her eyes stare into mine with a question and taunt. She knows that it's not going smoothly.
"Let's go inside and show Cassidy her room." My father, ever the diplomat, speaks up.
"She's sleeping with me."
"No." My mother and Cassidy gasp out at the same time.
"Of course we are." I give my mom a look and then Cassidy. "We're engaged."
"I don't care if you're engaged, it's not the proper thing." My mother shakes her head. "I forbid it."
"Funny." I laugh. "You're forbidding it, Mother?"
"Desmond, talk to your son." My mother gives me a look of disgust and then turns away from me. "I'm going inside. I've had a long day." She nods her head at Cassidy and then walks inside.

"You shouldn't upset your mother, Harry." My dad's eyes are laughing as he speaks to me. "It was a pleasure meeting you, dear Cassidy." He picks up Cassidy's hand and kisses it.
"I better go inside and make sure your mother isn't too upset. I trust you can show Cassidy the way to her room, or whatever room she's sleeping in." He turns around and hurries back inside.
"You've gone and upset your mother." Cassidy's eyes flash at me. "Now she's going to hate me."
"My mother is a drama queen, Cassidy." I shake my head and pull her towards me. "Trust me, she'll be fine."
"I'm not sleeping in the same room as you, by the way. You've got to be joking."
"I never joke about such things."
"I'm not doing it." She looks at me obstinately. "I don't want your parents thinking I'm some sort of low-class tart."
"Why do you care?" I lean forward and run my tongue across her trembling lips.
"It's not proper." She pulls back from me and I grab her around the waist.
"I don't care about what's proper."
"What do you care about, Harry?" I can feel her breath on my tongue and lips and I freeze at her words. Instinctively, I know I care about her. There is something about her that affects me more than I like. She is getting to me. She is making me do stupid things. I don't understand it. I don't want her getting under my skin anymore.
"I care about fucking you whenever I want, wherever I want." I pull her body towards me and press my hardness into her. "That's what I care about."

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