Chapter 18

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Her view.

"I'm ready to go whenever you are." I say pointedly to Tarquin. While, I don't want to say anything about Kendall to him, I'm not going to lie and pretend I feel comfortable being here.
"Oh," he looks disappointed, his blue eyes filled with concern. "You haven't met everyone yet."
"I want to go home. I can meet the others another day." I put my plate on the table. "In fact, I'm going to go and walk back to the car. Take your time eating, but I'd like to go home."
"We can go now," he sighs, and takes a couple of quick bites of his sandwich. "I told Harry that I'd take good care of you." He gives Kendall a look and she just stands there grinning. Bitch!
"Are you ready now?"
"Yes, let's go." He walks towards me. "Do you want to say goodbye to everyone first?"
"No, I have no interest in saying goodbye to anyone." I say and look at Kendall. "Let's go."


I go straight to my room when we arrive back to the palace. I'm glad that I don't see Anne when we get back because I'm not sure that I'll be able to deal with her particular brand of snarky right after meeting Kendall. I know that I just need some space. The car ride back has been completely silent and I'm glad that Tarquin didn't try to talk to me about anything. It's obvious to me that he knows I'm pissed. And frankly, he has to know why. Unless he's a dumbass, of course. Which wouldn't surprise me. I know many men are dumbasses around beautiful women.
I'm glad that Harry's not in the room when I enter. I don't want to deal with any of his sexual innuendos at this moment. I know I'm in the mood where I'll go off on him at any moment. I don't understand why he hasn't told me that he just came out of a relationship. Is that why he now doesn't believe in love, then? Has his heart been broken? That would explain why he's such a jackass when I meet him. If he's still reeling from a bad breakup, it will make complete sense. I just wish he'll tell me. Another part of me now wonders if I've been brought to Romeria to make his ex jealous. From what Kendall has said, it seems like his ex has been the one to break his heart and not the other way around.

I curl up on the bed and close my eyes. I don't want to think about it too much. I'm hurt and angry and upset. I can feel my eyes growing heavy with unshed tears. I feel my heart constrict as I think about Harry in love with someone else. I don't want to think about Harry as being a nicer, more loving guy to someone else. I feel green with envy, and jealousy consumes me. It's in that moment that I realize just how much I like him. I want him to like me as well. I want him to fall in love with me. I want this to be real. In my heart I know that's the real reason I've come to Romeria with him. He'll grow in my heart without me being totally aware of it. He's the man who has captured my heart with his first kiss. Maybe even the first smile at the museum. Maybe that's why I've put up with so much crap. I've been fooling myself by telling myself I can have sex and no real relationship. I know that now. Knowing that Harry's been in a relationship and he loved her is breaking me inside.
"Are you sleeping?" Harry's voice wakes me up as I feel him shaking my shoulder. I yawn as I slowly open my eyes and I realize that the room's now dark.
"I guess I fell asleep. Where have you been?" I sit up in the bed and frown.
"I had some business, then I went to get you a present." He sits on the bed next to me.
"What present?" I stare at him eagerly and try to ignore the pounding of my heart as he smiles at me. He's just so perfect. It's not fair.
"You'll see in a second." He grins and stands up. He reaches down and grabs my hands. "It's time to wake up, sleepy head."
"I'm coming." I yawn and stand up.
"Go and shower. Tonight we're going to a ball, and you're going to wear your red velvet dress."
"Uhm, did someone make you the boss of me and not tell me?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he laughs.
"Shower now. We have to leave soon."
"What about you? Don't you have to get ready as well?"
"I'm going to shower with you." He grins.
"Uhm, no."
"Uhm, yes." He laughs and walks away from me and turns on a light. "It will save time."
"Fine." I relent quickly, actually quite excited to share a shower with him.
"Don't worry, there will be no hanky panky." He grins. "Tonight we will have more than enough of that."
"You hope." I smile at him. "Just because you got lucky last night doesn't mean you're going to get lucky tonight."
"We shall see." He laughs. "Let me show you your present."

He pulls a box out of his hand and passes it to me. I open it eagerly and pull out a small plastic contraption.
"What's this?" I crinkle my nose.
"That's a vibrator." He grins and steps forward. "You'll wear it tonight under your dress and inside your panties. There are plastic straps that you'll slip up your legs to keep it in place. I have the controller." He shows me a small remote. "When I want to get your attention, I'll turn it on."
"What?" I frown. "I don't think so."
"Why not?" He looks disappointed. "It'll be fun."
"I don't want you turning on a vibrator at your will. I don't want to be having an orgasm while I'm talking to someone."
"I'll only turn it on when I want your attention." He smiles. "I promise."
"I don't know." I make a face as I look at the small vibrator. "It just seems like it would be uncomfortable to wear under the dress."
"Please." He grins, sensing that I'm weakening. "It will make the evening more fun."
"I guess so." I sigh. "I don't really want to, but I guess it's fine. If you turn it on often, I will just take it off."
"And I don't want you to do that." His eyes sparkle with happiness. "That's settled, then. Let's take a shower?"

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