Chapter 12

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Her view.

"Try this dress on." Harry holds up a deep red velvet dress with a plunging neckline. "I think you would look marvelous in it."
"Don't you mean you think you will look good in it?"
"Oh, of course." His eyes laugh at me. "I'll look just as sexy as you will."
"Uh huh." I grin. "Though you'll have to get a smaller bra for your A cups."
"I have to admit that I'm glad we don't share the same bra size." His fingers get to my right breast and he cups it delicately. "I'm so glad that you're a D cup."
"I'm not a D cup." I brush his hand away and blush as I see the saleswoman staring at us.
"Double D?"
"Triple D?" He grins.
"I'm a C cup."
"A very generous C cup, at that."

He winks at me and hands me the dress. "Now try this on and make sure you don't wear your bra."
"Excuse me?"
"The neckline is plunging." He shrugged. "A bra will not be appropriate."
"A dress that requires me to not wear a bra is not appropriate for me, period."
"Just try it on." His lips curl. "And try this one on as well." He hands me a slinky black dress with sheer lace at the bosoms.
"Are you joking?" I give him a look. "Everyone would see my breasts."
"Just try it on."
"I'm not going to wear either of these dresses to your parents' dinner party tonight. No way."
"It's not for the dinner party, it's for afterwards."
"What's happening afterwards?"
"You'll see." He licks his lips slowly. "It's all part of the surprise."
"I don't know." I shake my head as my heart's racing. "I'm not sure I'm down for any of this."
"Do you want to have the time of your life? Do you want to experience the rush of adrenaline that only extreme physical intimacy can provide?"
"Extreme physical intimacy?" I repeat. "What does that mean?"
"Wait and see."

I grab the dresses and sigh, though inside I am feeling very, very excited. "But what about a dress for the dinner party? Or are you expecting me to wear the polka dot dress again?"
"You could wear anything you wanted to wear and I'd still want to fuck the living daylights out of you."

"Harry!" My eyes widen at his vulgar talk. "That's not appropriate."
"When will you learn, Cassidy? I'm the least appropriate man you will ever meet."
"I think I've figured that out already," I retort, and he laughs. I walk into the changing room, half suspecting that he's going to walk in behind me. I am pleased when he doesn't, and I take my clothes off quickly before slipping in the red dress.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror and gasp. The V-neckline is low. Really low. My breasts are practically popping out of the dress, though only the swell of them is exposed. I bite down on my lower lip as I realize how close to the nipple the material ends. A wrong turn or move and I'll be popping out.

There is also a huge cut in the dress that runs all the way down my leg. The dress is sexy as hell and the red compliments my skin tone, but still, I am unsure.
"Are you ready yet, Cassidy? I want to see the dress."
"I guess, hold on." I sigh and open the door slowly.

I watch Harry's eyes widen as I walk out. He stares at me like a wolf staring at a plump juicy pig he is seeing for the first time. I walk towards him and then back again. Harry's eyes never leave my body and when I stop in front of him again, he nods with a small smile on his face.
"This dress will be perfect for tonight." His voice is throaty and his eyes narrow as he surveys me again, with a pleased smile on his face. "In fact, it will be more than perfect." He nods. "Now try on the other dress."
"Why?" I frown. "If we both like this one."
"Do not argue with me." He turns away as the saleswoman approaches us. I wonder what she's thinking. She's been giving me jealous stares since Harry and I arrived at the store. I know she's in disbelief that I am the fiancé. I am the one that's 'stolen' the playboy Prince's heart. I know she doesn't understand what he sees in me. I can see it in the narrowing of her eyes when I walked into the store. She's thinking to herself, What does this girl have that I don't? How did she catch the heart of the Prince? She doesn't know that the engagement is a sham.

Frankly, I wouldn't have put up with the sham if it wasn't for the very real chemistry that we have between the sheets. I want to experience the intensity of the highs he gives me some more. I want to ride the rollercoaster ride he wants to take me on, only I am scared to admit it. How do you admit to yourself that you want a sexual relationship with a man you know would never be able to commit to you? And how do you have a sexual relationship with a man that you know in your heart and soul you want more from? I've already made that mistake once. I've given myself to my college boyfriend, fully thinking he was going to be the one. I've only ever imagined myself with one man. I've never been the sort of girl who needs to sow her wild oats. I've never been the sort of girl who needs multiple men to tell me I am attractive. I've never been the sort of girl who needs to see what it feels like being with other men. Part of me is glad that it didn't work out with any of my college boyfriends. If it had, I never would have gotten to experience the magnetic attraction and explosions that come with Harry.

Harry's a man who knows what he's doing. He's a master of pleasure. He's my master of pleasure. I know that I want to experience everything that he's willing to show me. I know this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Only I don't know how to admit it to him or myself out loud.
"Are you okay, Cassidy?" He touches my shoulder lightly. "You've been thinking about something for a long time."
"Oh, yeah." I turn around. "Let me try on the other dress." I hurry into the dressing room again and pull off the velvet dress. I take the black dress off of the hanger and pull it on. It fits perfectly and clings to my body.

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